Sunday, October 13, 2024

All KINDS of Sports

 Thursday Miss B CRUSHED the team from Acton... always a good mood booster when you get a W!

One lone Grampa hollering! :)

On Friday Husband had a golfer that qualified for the State Meet!! Exciting stuff!! And before they left the course they were stopped by the MPA because... THIS happened... third year in a ROW!
SO PROUD of Husband and how he leads these boys to do what is right on and off the course. I always tell the gals, "someone has to win the sportsmanship award... mine as well be US"... I LOVE this award!

While Husband was having dinner with his golfer, Minnie was at the boys soccer game for Senior Night... Miss B and I went down the road to support the XC team and some of our favs!

Always fun to bump into a Boisse... especially when you are twinning!!!
Miss B and I finished the night snuggled on the couch and obviously Barks was THRILLED with happy he was smiling! :)

Friday, October 11, 2024

Grateful and Blessed

Monday was a WASHOUT for Miss B at her soccer game that was 50 minutes away... I was basically an UBER... got there long enough to get wet and drive her home... I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Tuesday though was yet another GORGEOUS day for soccer... 

Even better that she was playing Miss O!!!! Fun with FRIENDS!

Oh these two melt me... I love them both so much....

and I have for SO LONG...

I mean quite literally they have been friends for their...

ENTIRE lives! :)

MY girl.... the one I call and the one that calls me... I don't know WHAT I would do without her listening ear, wisdom, Mom/Wife advice and her fashion ideas :) I also don't know what we would do without the monkey behind us...
that I am trying to wrestle with one arm in this picture!! Hahahahaha
GRATEFUL and BLESSED to have her in my life for the past 14 years raising these babies together!

Speaking of GRATEFUL AND BLESSED... Minnie was playing in the big city but Miss B and I had to go home to take care of Barks... I told SIL L and Sky I wanted ALL the pictures... so blog post... courtesy of them :) Thanks gals! :)

Minnie had a CREW show up to cheer her on!

Including her mini BFF

Husband even got to go!!! Hooray!!! And catch up on all things trapping and hunting :)

Maybe my most favorite picture they sent.... she LOVES her family fierce and I know it meant SO MUCH to her that they all came to support!!! So thankful!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mouth Guard

Tell me your kid chews her mouthguard without TELLING me.... 


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Weekend Report

On Friday night Aunt Nancy had told me that my VERY FAVORITE nursery was GIVING AWAY zinnias this weekend!! I was on the fence about going and really wanted one of the gals to come with me but they did not want to leave my bed or the Hallmark movie they were watching and I was a little grumpy about it... but I am SO HAPPY that I went.... I was all alone with rows of one of my favs!

and I drove down my road feeling very grateful and blessed...

Husband and I worked outside... I cleaned up my gardens, put out the mums I purchased and took down my asparagus bed. It felt good to get things cleaned up on a beautiful fall day. 

Minnie had to ref two games in the afternoon and Husband headed off to golf with one of his players so Miss B and I made a new recipe. We cozied up on the couch with MORE Hallmark! :)

Sunday Funday was spent at the R Clan's house celebrating September, October and November birthdays!

These two.... 

I enjoyed the view in the sunshine from SIL L's deck... a beautiful afternoon with my peeps!
Home to tackle a few housekeeping projects before the week ahead and making sure that we are ready for it... here we go now!


Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Week in Rewind

Maybe wearing cute but NOT SO COMFY shoes was the problem, but this week was ROUGH... A shooting threat at Minnie's school meant chaos with the schedule and the Admin at the high school trying to do what's best and safest for 1200 kids... they don't get paid enough. They just don't. 

She was able to play in her breast cancer game (S) on Thursday... BECAUSE the coach missed the fact that there was a JV game and my girl was headed with her TiTi until 4:45... she was stopped by her JV coach and told not to leave... and this on a day when at 7:50AM she, along with the rest of the school, was told that someone had threatened to shoot up the school... it was too much for my girl to take... I was SO proud of her for rallying, digging deep and playing her heart out... FOR FOUR HOURS again... but honestly... the adults should have done better on that day.... specifically her coaches. 

SO grateful for SIL L who talked her off the ledge, talked to the Coach and pulled Minnie off campus if only for a hot second and a little reprieve at CornerStone for snacks...Also grateful for her buds who came along side and walked and talked her through it all.... ALSO grateful to capture a PINK RIBBON IN MY SPORTY SPICE'S HAIR!!! I DIDN'T THINK I'D EVER SEE THE DAY!
So on Friday, Minnie had no school but the rest of us had to go... Miss B was SOOOO excited that in the chaos and bad news it meant that her sister and DAD could come to her away game... they haven't been able to make one yet with their sporting schedules and as part of the school cancelation they canceled all sporting events for the high school including Husband's off campus golf practice.... 

I was up early to do hair for her.... only to be told at 9:45AM that her game was yet again... canceled. Miss B had 3 games last week and ALL canceled for various reasons at the last hot second. To say she was disappointed was a UNDERSTATEMENT. 
So Husband and I chatted and as SOON as I got home we scooped the gals up and went some place that ALWAYS makes us laugh and have a good time....


We finished off Friday night with a quick coffee drop off and visit for a squeeze... 

This was DEF. yesterday. 😭
and home with some KFC.... Miss B said... "if nothing else... this MEAL has CHEERED ME UP!" :) We do always wonder why we only do KFC on Christmas Eve... a fan favorite over here for sure! :)

Pushing the Limits

All to get a "naked" shower... no one thinks about the fact that there are constantly devices attached to me at ALL times... one the days when I can force the stars to align and make that happen... you'd better believe I will...

# nailedit!