There have been some things swirling around in my mind... in my circle of friends, in my extended circle and the one after that... are you treating your Husbands? Do you respect him? Do you show that out and about? Do you show it in private when you are alone and the kids are screaming or you are running here and there?
How am I treating my OWN Husband?
I really think that God is laying on my heart sharing some wise insights from my BELOVED Pastor P who has since passed away...but he was my Pastor for 19 years that made it through my teen years and then married me to my best friend... I think he saw a LOT :)
Starting next week and I hope for the next few (8ish) weeks after that I'm going to share with you some notes I took during a sermon he preached LONG before Husband and I ever GOT together about ladies RESPECTING your Husbands... it now is a little skriddy piece of paper in Husband's Bible and I ran across it a couple of weeks ago right after witnessing some "newlyweds" not treating each other quite right...
Now do NOT mistake this for Country Mouse having it all together... that is BY FAR not the case... it is only just little nuggets of truth that I don't want to hold onto just for me and also a GREAT reminder for me... you also need to understand that I LOVE LOVE. Literally... anything that has ANYTHING to do in the Bible about me being a better wife I am ALL ABOUT IT... I love LOVE.... Ruth... yeah... pretty much one of my fav. stories... :) sad how she lost her first Hubby but COME ON... getting Boaz... he sounds fairly hot to me and what a sweet sweet romantic story :)
Let me know if this is striking a chord with you. Leave me a comment. Open yourself up and examine your own marriages. Those that are not married... tuck it away. Trust me. I did. You'll need it later. Those that were married in the past...and sadly are not anymore... leave a comment about what worked for you and what didn't. You still have MUCH to share with those of us who are in the thick of it right now with kids, homes, jobs, in laws, etc. Share. Let us learn from you.
Next Week: Do you speak to your husband in a condescending tone?
Proverbs 21:19 (NIV) Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.
Let's discuss.
And so it goes...
9 years ago