I wish I could remember, catch on video and/or snap every single adorable thing you do for the blog. I LOVE that I get to see most of it and I try to make a little note to tell Daddy when he gets home so that he doesn't feel like he misses anything but you are doing SO much SO often that it's just not possible anymore.
LONG gone are the days of eat, sleep and potty. :) Here are the days of a little GIRL who sleeps in her bed with her OWN "pi-wollow". Mimi made you a few pillow cases for it and you like to "watch". (until you take your hands out of your lap and miraculously the sewing machine just STOPS? :) Ah... that Mimi with her tricky feet under the table. :)
You chatter NON-STOP but when you are in the car it is REALLY non-stop :) You're starting to put sentences together. You are constantly telling us about "Big Truck, Trac-tahs, BOX trucks, wello bus, ice ceam shop, apples, Mimi's house, Nana's Jeep, Papa's truck, TiTi's tar," and who you want to listen to on the radio and call on my cell phone. "Wanna tall...." I LOVE it.
You are wearing size 5 diapers, 2T bottoms and 2t-3T tops. These rain boots you LOVE are a size 6 but your sneakers are a size 8. You know when we talk about the day during breakfast (that you call supp-ah) that we go in the "tar" aka car and that you need a BOW in your hair :) I LOVE that. Reminds me of Auntie Heidi's Mom who says, "NEVER leave the house without lipstick."
Sweet Minnie, I am already planning and scheming about your 2nd B-day party and it is already in my calendar. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. You are so much more of a little girl now than a baby. I so LOVE having you as my little sidekick and enjoy every single SECOND that we are together. You are the BEST thing that has ever happened to Daddy and I. I pray you know how much you are treasured, loved and prayed for.