it is what it is... I email from work. yep. There you go. You all knew it but here I am throwing it out there for all the "World" (yah right) to see. However... with the news I got today....
"From: Paul
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 11:10 AM
To: _RegisteredRepresentatives
Subject: Halleluiah
The OSJ Review Tool is now active on Branchnet. This means you will no longer have to send me copies of your incoming and outgoing LPL emails. Rather, I will review them online. I will still need to read each and every one of the blessed things, but at least you won’t have to print them out anymore.
In laymans terms... there will be no more emailing from work. My boss can and will be reviewing any incoming and outgoing email. Now he says he will just review the "business" items however..... come on now. Because I work at a location that is SUPER SUPER concerned (thankfully) about viruses and thing corrupting their network of computers I cannot access Yahoo, Hotmail, or any other generic email accounts. FRUSTRATING.
It is honestly the little things that keep me going all day every day... taking this away... it hurts my moral.
P.S. Its not to say you can't email me at work anymore but nothing personal and nothing you wouldn't want shared with a man you don't know that goes to Catholic church and worships budda. (He's very confused)
P.S. 2 if that statement about his "faith" offends you... too bad its my blog.
P.S. 3 I'm a GROUCH since this news. Incase you couldn't tell.
And so it goes...
9 years ago
gee... :(
I was LOST today. :( I didn't know if I was supposed to stop emailing and didn't dare send an email to ASK if I should stop emailing. LOL.
Thanks for the clarification. Mental note: no more "birthday suite" photos should be emailed to Countrymouse. haha.
Agreed...I feel the same email buddy is MIA...blah!
Hmmm...maybe we have to go back to the good ol' days where now we are FORCED to schedule coffee dates, phone calls and wine on the patio...
I don't see it as all bad!
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