I'm in a funk. I'm keepin' it real. It's not always peaches and roses. Right now its more pits and thorns. For no REAL reason. I could probably pin point a few concerns but the bottom line is a funk.
It happens every so often. I start getting ancy, I start getting discontent. (Thanks Hong Kong) I start feeling like I can't even deal with inside my own skin. Which bothers me because I really am blessed. I am content. I love my life. I am just in a funk. It's the part where I want to grab Husband and the dog and take off. Leave responsibilties and just GO. Move across country. Move north. Just get away. Where? I'm not sure. Some place where it is simple.
Really... these jobs... what are they for? To put food on the table and provide us with a joke for health care? What am I contributing to every day? What sort of good am I doing? Where am I making an impact. I'm not raising the next generation, I'm not an over-achieving member of my church, I'm barely an achieving member, I'm not even in the Word everyday. I'm just sayin'.....I'm keepin' it real. I'm in a funk.
I'll snap out eventually... God is constant. He is faithful. He does not get into "funks". Thank GOODNESS. I am blessed....I'm just sayin'....
And so it goes...
9 years ago
Hong Kong here, actually commenting from HKG this time.
The actual word is discontent (I am Tracy's cousin...it might be genetic, I dunno), and sistah, that's a daily struggle for me, living where I do. As you said, thank goodness God doesn't go into funks too!!
Praying for you, girlfriend! Maybe it's because you haven't had any time with ME!! LOL!
I've seen the funk and been wanting to hug you and try to pray you out of the funk.
I'm just saying...we need to make some time...
You make a difference everyday...to different people. You may not have a job that allows you to NOTICE the impact you make in peoples lives but you do! Even if it's coworkers. Look at that smile...it's contagious!!! The fact that you have great health insurance is a blessing for you. You may not be "raising" the next generation but think of the impact you have on girls on Scott's team, neices and nephews, children in your Sunday School class!! You know all of these things...it's just that sometimes it's hard to see the forest beyond the trees. I know that first hand. I struggle with some of the same things. But my struggles are screwing up the opportunities I have not missing them...you know what I mean?
Some goals:
*read Bible everyday (or at least reflect on a devotion?!)
*take a walk in the evening with puppy and hubby
*enjoy an afternoon snuggled with hubby...no phone, tv, computer
*get pink hair or henna tattoo
I'm just sayin'...LOL!
P.S.-as I'm typing in my username I'm wondering if that's an accurate name for me. Who am I fooling...I try but I feel like I fail miserably! Seriously?! hehehe
I need to make a revision...I don't what I was thinking when I said "pray you out of the funk"...who do I think I am? I pray for God to give you Peace. Contentment. Faith. Hope. A new found fire for Him...
Hong Kong: Thanks. I'm an idiot! :) :)
glory: I'm going to squeeze you extra tight tomorrow night! :)
Ok.. just reading this for the first time. Clearly neglecting my blog responsibilities during vacation. :)
First off.. ever hear the phrase, "It takes a village?". Girlfriend, you ARE raising the next generation! You teach SS, you take children everywhere you go. You have them over for meals, for outdoor play, for sleep overs. You and Husband ARE raising children. Moms and Dads cannot do it alone. We NEED caring Aunts and Uncles like you. I literally can't count how many children you have raised and therefore blessed. FAR more than I have!
As for the "funk".. hey.. who is to say God doesn't have funks? He took the 7th day to rest, didn't he? hehe. Ok, I joke but he totally understands that.. and expects it from us. Life IS difficult. Life can get the best of us. But HE sustains us. HE gets us through until the next funk. And only HE can use a funk to wake us up to something he wants from us. The discontent (thanks, D! LOL) you feel is the HS moving in you and saying, "Julia.. we are preparing you for a new season. Get ready for God to move some mountains.". They could be huge or they could be small. Either way, he is clearly at work in you. Let him do his thing. :)
I say embrace the funk. Look deeper into the funk and see what it is God is gearing up to do.
Hang in there. I can't wait to see what he reveals. Love you!
Tracy hit that one right on the nose! :)
You have been such an inspiration to Jay, CJ and me. You can NOT even begin to understand what an impact you have made in my life alone. You have given me confidence in how we are raising CJ. You were there every day for the first four days of his life, creating a bond with him that I'm sure will last forever. Grandparents, Ants and Uncles are the soft places for children to land when things are out of control at home. The influence you have on CJ's life already is and will continue to be huge!! :)
As a sister you have helped to make Jay the great man, husband, and father that he is. How long do you think his hair would be now if you didn't make his appointments. Where would he be in life had you not allowed him to live with you while saving for a house.
As a SIL you have been a great source of information on raising CJ. He may not have had the benefit of me staying home and being a full time Mom. You helped give me the confidence that we CAN do it. Your LOVE and SUPPORT mean more to us than you could ever imagine.
WE LOVE YOU and you ARE an IMPORTANT part of our lives! :)
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