Because this blog is all things history to me and at some point I would like to make one of those hard cover books for Minnie I am going to track our latest... challenge... shall we say? here.
We went today at 2 months and 19 days (yep, dern close to 3 months) for her 2 month appt. I was back and forth on vaccinations and what we would do or not do for this appt. I had finally made up my mind and was totally and completely thrown for a loop with more distressing news that took precedent over the vac dispute.
We ALL know Minnie is a tiny one... she's very long (24 1/2in) but there isn't an ounce of meat on ANY of her bones... so when we had her weight checked we found out she is only up to 8lbs 13oz... well, that was with a wet dipe... (At a later check 8lbs 11oz so for future reference that is the one we will go with) it was concerning...
The Nurse practitioner was very concerned with her lack of weight gain and lack of muscle tone that a baby her age should have. He was NOT concerned with my explanations of how skinny Husband was or SIL L being ONLY 12lbs at ONE YEAR OLD. He called in the Dr to evaluate and we were given "options" today.
1) immediately go across the street to the hospital and meet with the lactation consultant (L.C.)
2) bring her in DAILY for weight checks or
3) we will admit her to the hospital NOW where you will both be closely monitored and we will do lab work ups and figure out what is going on...
Now. Picture if you will, all my exclusively b-feeding Mama's out there, WHAT this information MIGHT have done to this exclusively b-feeding Mama's HEART. Oh yes. Sobbed in the Dr's office. SOBBED.
The Nurse Practitioner was ADAMANT about us supplementing with formula and not the frozen milk I have already... I am ADAMANT about NOT giving her formula until I exhaust my milk supply options. As Husband so kindly put it... "he's a man with no boobs".
Minnie has HAD formula already and I'm NOT opposed to it but why NOT if I have to supplement SOMETHING give her what is customized for HER specifically? This isn't a blog post on Formula vs. B-feeding... I'm just saying what I would prefer to do RIGHT now...
So we met with the L.C. and she (as all that I've met with thus far in my nursing career) was FANTASTIC. They all seem to be just a little bit more "crunchy hippy" which I love, yet def. down to business in creating a plan to pack some weight on our teenie girl.
Thus begins the first installment of what I hope is only a week - 10 day installment of "Skinny Minnie". I am just going to keep track here for my own reference... but feel free to follow along on the journey...
2/17/2010: 11:45AM 8lbs 11oz
And so it goes...
9 years ago
So what are they adding if you're not adding formula? How do you get 'more' into her???
My pumped frozen milk. So she'll eat... then eat a bottle... top her off so to speak... something she doesn't have to "work" for...
All that skreetching must burn some major calories :)
Good luck with packing the pounds (or just ounces, for now) on little Minnie....and *try* to stay relaxed about the whole feeding thing. A relaxed Mama means a relaxed Minnie!
1) I could strangle your NP and DR.
2) Don't let them bully you into doing something you don't want. DON'T!!
3) I could kiss your LC.
4) Don't worry, Mama. It will be ok. It will be ok. I've been down this road, I'm a big BF proponent, and would be happy to chat with you online, or on the phone any.time.
6) Don't let anyone make you feel like you are a bad mom BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A BAD MOM!!!
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