Thursday as Daddy left with his buds Minnie and I headed to have a little visit with Pheebs, Yiz and the new babe ~ These two are peas in a pod and what a fun distraction from the fact that we girls had to go home to an empty house...
Thankfully we had plans and spent with our friends at a "Love Party" over at Heather O's house. She had requested various travel sized toiletry items and we found out when we got there that we were putting together "Dignity Bags" for those homeless people who might need a snack, soap or a new toothbrush. There is always someone standing on a corner in the big city so I intend to hand mine out this Friday. Sadly, I've never done ANYTHING like this before...
Friday afternoon CountryMum graciously came over to stay with Minnie while she slept and I got in to my chiro to get "spider taped" up. Things started to improve. As soon as she woke up I connected with SIL L and the kiddos and we took them all to the local pet store. None of us had been in so it was fun to look around, drool (pun intended) over the sweet little puppies and watch Minnie GIGGLE OUTLOUD about the birds flying around their cage. EWWWWWW :)
This girl comes out with things all day long that I am GOING to start recording so that I can look back and giggle about them when she's 16... ;) She helped me get the mail at the P.O. the other day and I was distracted by what was going to go in the recycling and what we were taking home... I could "hear" her saying "Mama... Mama.... Maaaaammmaaa..." but when I didn't answer... she hollered out.... HONEY! :) At least it seems we have moved past her calling me by my first name... ;)
Saturday she hung out with the CountryRents in the AM while I went and swapped busy bags with some other mom friends... we came home with some great stuff and Minnie is LOVING the activities. After her nap she and I had plans for a DATE. When I start to think about how our days of just she and I are numbered... I start to cry. Not.Gonna.Lie. So I took full advantage of our girl time this weekend and we went to get Daddy his Valentine's, we got Pizza Hut, ate it in the living room and watched a Veggie Tale movie. Sweet and special times with my goose. She was PSYCHED when Daddy got home Sunday night and as he told his friend's wife... "I think I've held her more in the 2 hours I've been home than I've held her the past two YEARS." These girls sure missed their guy! :)
The video is quick but on the way home from church Sunday I was asking her about the nursery. I said... was it fun to be in there with Sara? She kept responding.. "NO!NO! It's SAAARRRAAAA" :) So when we parked in the driveway I tried to catch it. She CRACKS me up.
1 comment:
Toooooooo CUTE! I can't figure out where that came from! lol You should get a video of her talking about Jonah :)
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