Friday, September 20, 2013

First ER visit for kiddos....

Well... 3 1/2 years and our first trip to the ER today... Miss B was in front of Minnie on a NEW slide... because of course today is the day I was jut going to run a REALLY quick errand in a neighboring town, take the girls for a SURPRISE of McD's dollar menu for lunch and then try to find a park that Minnie and I had only been to ONCE before when she was VERY young.

We had a great time, the only ones at the park, looking at the back of Aunnie Lynne's pretty house and Minnie asking if she could go on the TRAMPOLINE :) and me saying... let's see if you can go down that big slide. Of course Miss B is all about whatever my big sister can do I can do too... so I let her. Of course we were at the park so the rules in this house are... you must wear good shoes. aka no clickers allowed (not that Miss B has them anyway but she had proper shoes on regardless) She was SO proud climbing all the stairs to get to her big sister and she sat in front and they went down just fine. I thought to myself... "maybe just once more. I don't know that this is such a good idea... "why don't I LISTEN TO THAT VOICE AND STOP WHILE WE ARE AHEAD?!?!?! I told Minnie to be careful because Miss B could put her foot down and not want to go so fast... famous last words.

They climbed back up, got safely in position, both waited PATIENTLY for me to climb back down to stand next to the slide and sure enough... they started down the slide and Miss B planted her right foot. They kept sliding but her leg was stuck. I heard the pop and I FREAKED. Snagged Miss B off the slide, told Minnie to RUN and we headed for the car. Miss B was screaming but now knowing that it IS.NOT.BROKEN. I wonder if she was hollering because I took her off the slide? :) I dunno. We headed straight for the ER where Daddy met us. Spent 3 1/2 hours getting multiple x-rays and then finally a splint. ER doc said x-rays are not showing a break PRAISE JESUS but because it is tender and she won't put weight on it we are going to an orthopedic doc on Monday, at naptime. I mean why would we go any other time? Really.

she's handling it like a trooper thus far. We took the splint off her for a bath and to sleep tonight. ER doc said if it drives her right crazy we could take it off so we feel OK letting her get a good nights sleep. She's snuggly and Mama-clingy but that's my baby anyway when something is bothering her.

Maybe my favorite story of the day... Minnie in the backseat on the way to the ER. I looked in my rear view mirror and said "I'm scared". She said "me too". She heard me on the phone with SIL L (who was trying to track down Husband for me) and she said "is TiTi coming to get me and take me home?" I said "I dunno. Someone is coming because I need help but I don't know if it will be Daddy or Titi". Few minutes later Husband called.... I hung up. Minnie "who was that?" I said "Daddy. He's going to meet us at the hospital." Minnie.... "Ok. Good. Now I won't be scared anymore." and THAT is what kind of Husband/Daddy/Man I married. Protector, Provider, Everything.

When we got to check in they put the little oxygen/pulse thing on Miss B's big toe. Minnie was true to her big sister protector self and used her best "mama" voice... "Miss B (insert full name) you are SO BRAVE!!" :)

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