Monday, September 1, 2014

The End of Summer....

In our final week of summer vacation (when Daddy was already officially back at school) we went over to christen the CountryRents newly poured garage floor :)  

MC was FREAKING out here but actually her hand didn't come out too bad :)

Two lefties and two righties :)

We also FINALLY got over to Auntie and "Bob"'s pool :) truth be told it isn't a HORRIBLE place to hang out :)

As soon as we got there Uncle went in to change into his bathing suit. Miss B looked around and said "Where's Bob?" :) uh... that's NOT his name. We giggled about it and then just kept calling him "Bob" for the rest of the day :)

The ladies of leisure :)

It really is unfortunate that "Bob" is not really a "kid" person (wink wink nudge nudge) :) I think you can tell sometimes when women are MEANT to be mother's... this guy... MEANT to be a grandfather! :) He's so cute!

AND CLEARLY the kiddos LOVE HIM! :)

We also raided the CountryRents garden...

and my own...

These tomatoes turned into salsa on Saturday night...

We got FALL haircuts from Aunnie J.T. and enjoyed their pool....

and then of course the official-for-real-last-day-of-summer-vacation...

I HONESTLY have no IDEA what I'm going to do without this girl... it makes me tear up just thinking about it...

and as crazy as some days got with little people... I know TWO little people who are gonna go through withdrawals for AT LEAST this week... They wake up EVERY DAY asking for her, where she is and when they are going to see her... I'm afraid... I'm VERY afraid.
As much as I LOVE schedule, routine and cooler days... this summer just didn't really FEEL like a summer... and now it doesn't matter because time just keeps pushing forward and it's time for STRUCTURE.

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