Thursday, August 31, 2017

Here's Where We are at...

She ran SUCH an amazing race... now we wait for her to be welcomed into the arms of Jesus. She professed her faith, she accepted that HE died for HER sins, that SHE was a sinner and that she was saved by GRACE...

A few years ago my Bible study gals and I did this Angela Thomas study... this video, out of ALL of them stuck out the most to me... the picture of the saints that have gone before her... waiting to cheer her to the finish line... to Glory. To the part where there is no more pain... just praising Jesus and hanging out with Dad....for real... if he doesn't know she's coming can you even imagine HIS joy? I mean seriously.

Of course as a "track" house this stuck out to me... but I hate that the end was cut off... the part where Bets will be coming up over that hill because she chose Jesus... not because of anything good she did, not because of how much she loved others but because she knew she was a sinner saved by grace and accepted that free gift of Jesus dying on the cross for her sins to save her and she gets to spend ETERNITY in the presence of the Lord....

where are YOU going?

Friday, August 25, 2017

Hapy 16 Baby...

Well... so far? we. done. good.
If the two little people are a measure at all... and I think they are. :)

Hang onto your hat for the year to come but you know (and I KNOW) we are gonna have to stick close... stick tight and snuggle up.
 You are my coffee deliver, weekend dinner maker, blood sugar checker, encourager, provider, dream-come-true-er, love, Enbrel shot giver, rock, comfort, safe-place, brunt of my crazy, and protector. There is no place I'd rather be than in your arms where everything is safe.

I loved you then

but I had no idea how much I'd love you now....  
 ready or not... here we go....
*most of the above photography courtesy of Dawsky Photography or "Bob"*

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Natalie Grant

As soon as these tickets went on sale back this winter I threw out an email and FB message to see who wanted in... I LOVE me some Natalie Grant... this was our crew and it could not have been more God-ordained. He had it all just set up for the evening we had... we missed one of the originals but had such an amazing night of worship...

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A few randoms...

Miss B had a BIRTHDAY!!! Our big girl is now FIVE and she wanted a NEW bike... with a basket AND a horn more than anything... Nana and Grampa were thrilled to trick this bike out for her and she could not love it more!

course it also helps that shortly after this picture they had the top of their driveway paved and don't all the grandkiddos LOVE it...

Computer Nana came over for her summer visit so we met up with the Dunn Crew for some family fun!

some of us were having more fun than others :)

after the carousel ride we sent the big girls with the Nana's and took the littles back for fun in the lake...

 What has become an annual tradition... but will be the last one they have unless Nana and Minnie travel "down under", lunch, and time spent all together.

Northern Vacation 2017

Well... we made it. That is the important thing :) We arrived last Thursday (August 3rd) and headed straight out for a ride to see where Husband typically goes on his guys fishing trip at the end of the school year...camping on an island with no running water or electric. No thanks. Nice to see though ;)

When we got back we checked out the private beach that goes along with the house we borrow. It is just a quick drive or bike ride away and it is definitely the most used thing by our family during our time north. Can you see why?

Out of all the times we went to the lake there was only ONE time that there was one other couple (with their yellow lab) there... otherwise... all to ourselves. Please remember the view of the water and how calm and quiet it is.... :)

this guy spent more time in here than last year and we were ALL more happy about that :)

so we got to enjoy things like THIS! :)

I want the sign off the front of this guy's house :)

our busy (logging) major DIRT road... my little bikers are behind me on the way back to the beach...

we did have ONE minor (though to her it was major) injury... poor Minnie got stung by a yellow jacket. Poor gal just wanted to roast a marshmallow....

good thing for sisters to hold your ice pack so you can throw down your sugar for the night ;)
cozy space... the stairs are new this year. No more ladder....

gals loft....

Miss B THRILLED that she made it more than 24 hours!! :)

the weather was not what we had hoped for... you honestly can never tell up there... so we had high hopes of getting the boat out, tubbing and fishing but when the lakes are that cold and rough just not a good choice....

So we made the best of it by bundling up and taking advantage of the park...
same swings a couple of years ago
Minnie and Husband June 2010

it wasn't too cold for the water planes...

but it was DEFINATELY too cold for these girls. I told Husband by the end of our va-ca my sweatshirt could have stood up all by itself it was SO dirty :)

fun taking pics of the place that provided employment for my family for years

definitely one of the highlights for the girls... being 3 hours from home and walking down Main St when you hear someone pull up in a truck and address your dad... and then find out he has two of your buds from school in the back of his truck! :)

We also ran into Josie's Mom and Dad on Main street who were up visiting family and Husband saw an old high school classmate while out for a morning walk/bike ride with the girls on our dirt road... funny.

A picture for CountryDad. Was neat to show the girls the war memorial and help them find their great grandfather's name along with other family members

a special moment for sure...
After the day we spent in town the sun FINALLY came out but as you can see our quiet private beach was still angry with wind and waves....

the girls LOVED it and wished they had brought their boogie boards....

the waves were bigger than the day we went to the ACTUAL ocean... so fun!
we did manage to get out on Mooselookmeguntic... high hopes of the tube but that just didn't happen

It was pretty chilly out there so we only trolled for about an hour... caught a nice salmon though...

took a family selfie in front of Bald Mountain

and I got to see my favorite view....
we both said how the time did not fly by during the days... we really felt like we settled into it but when it came time to leave it went by WAY too fast...

My favorite....

this is our attempt at taking our own family picture...

thank goodness for a nice man in uniform that pulled up and offered to help a girl out..

I really hope running near cop cars is not a sign of things to come ;)

I'd say it was time well-spent... so thankful for the co-worker/friend of Husband's who let's us enjoy her space... we definitely needed to get outta dodge for a few days....