Been on my mind so that I don't forget (I eat a LOT of sweet 'n low ;) an update of where we are at right now...
Husband: busy this winter with keeping the books for the middle school bball games... Minnie loves that when she gets to just go and hang out with him at the table watching all kinds of hoops... she is a gym rat for sure... He's been struggling through some back pain and a nasty cold for a few weeks which of course back pain and lung issues had me in a high speed wobble, but seems that all is mending and it really was "just" shoveling and a nasty cold ripping through... He listens to my work rants, does more than his fair share of kiddo coordination and is my constant love....He's lovin' all the ice fishing and looking forward to the Annual Derby in a few days...
Minnie: got a touch of a stomach bug but God was good to hear our prayers of healing and it was quick and short lived....but that meant that last Friday she and I got a whole day ALONE together... NEVER happens... she was pretty much well but just tired from being up the night before (THINKING she was going to be sick) so we chilled on the couch and she took an amazing 2 hour nap (which for her was AWESOME!). She loves nothing more than being in the gym with Daddy, shooting around at Sky's 1/2 times and ice fishing. She is testing OFF the charts in 2nd grade reading and math and of course loves Gym class. She and Miss B spend most recesses together playing bball or kickball and look for each other every lunch time. She has struggled a bit this year with a new student and some unkindness. Been an interesting lesson to learn how to show the love of Jesus and stick up for yourself all at the same time. Still a struggle for Momma!!! She is soaking up the time she has left with Pheebs and asks EVERY snow day if she can go play with Lily and Olivia :) She amazes me with her maturity and I have to continually remind myself that she is tall but still ONLY 8 years old... we have lots of talks about enjoying her childhood and soaking up being a kid. Her favorite shows on TV are Bringing Up Bates, Kids Baking Championship and Counting On.... when ESPN isn't on :) She is so smart and quick. If you are blessed enough to be on the receiving end of her love it is not to be taken lightly...
Miss B: ah... the baby... she is still pretty much our happy go lucky kid... not much phases her but when it does she STILL goes 0-60 MPH. So basically not much has changed ;) Things like saying "no" to technology REALLY set her off. Miss B LOVES all things techie... the iPod, the iPad, the Tablet... the remote control... all a few of her favorite things. She is a WIZ at her video games and all of us are amazed at how well she does... perhaps she will take after her Uncle JJ with her techie mind ;) She has adjusted well to school and enjoys it. She is starting to read and has tested ABOVE her sister at this level which just thrills her to bits :) She has some good friends but also some challenges in her classroom. She is a sensitive soul and struggles with disruption and kids not playing by the rules. She has a tender heart for those in need and is aware of anyone who is sad or upset. Such a gift. At her "well-baby" doctor appointment we found out she is struggling with acid reflux and though she doesn't complain much about pain she has been suffering in silence. We started her on a kid version of zantac a few months ago and have really noticed a positive difference for her. She also loves ice fishing with Daddy and being in the gym but if given the option to leave with Mama she typically comes with me :) When Minnie had to stay home last week for the sickies she was in tears not wanting to go to school without her sister. They can play together for hours and fight like cats the next minute. Speaking of... her animals are still her love... stuffed or real... she loves them all. There are no less than 20 stuffed animals in her bed at any given time and she knows if any ONE of them is missing. She makes us all laugh and keeps us on our toes... she gives love like its going out of business and you are so lucky to be squeezed by her squishy self.
Mama: I am trying to work it all out. The adjustment to work outside the home went well but being in an office with just one other person has its challenges. The past two weeks have been difficult. Trying to fend of Satan with his lies of how I am not smart or cut out for this job or qualified has been an ongoing battle. I liken it to a new teacher being trained by the Superintendent with no mentor, trainer or colleague. Just the big boss... pointing out every mistake and that is a tough way to learn. Husband and I chatted the other day after I finally sat down and counted out... I had only been in the job for 35 days... 32 of them "with" my boss/trainer (the other 3 I was there alone) ~ max of 4-5 hours a day and it was OK if I didn't know EVERYTHING yet and I need to give MYSELF some grace and patience even if it wasn't coming from above. I am there for a reason and I really do love the paper pushing work... just need to find a groove with the boss.... Struggling to find the housework, Mama/Wife balance and this week got a touch of the bug going around too... NOT.FUN. Started a new Bible study with my girls and I am excited about it... Swirling Around in my Head: thinking about losing our friends across the WORLD and missing my days of home chatting with Tamarah while we got the ironing done and our kids did play dough at our respective kitchen tables. I never wished that time away and I miss it so much as of late... looking forward to more sunshine and how the balance is all going to pan out once the BUSY season of track hits in a couple of months... lots swirling around and trying to stay centered on praise and worship and finding "the joy of the Lord" no matter the circumstance... doesn't go so well for me most days but I sure an a work-in-progress. I have also been doing SOME sort of "work out" 5-6 days a week since 11/27 when I started work....I can only commit to 15 minutes a day but some days I do 30-45... Pilates, yoga and walking have been my go tos as other things really bother my wrists, knees and ankles with the RA. I feel better overall, I sleep better at night and the girls are enjoying it every AM with me. Still filling "backpacks" for the elementary kiddos that need food for the weekend and volunteering on Fridays in my gals classrooms... Still so blessed with this life and my people... soaking up the days that sometimes seem long but knowing the years are FLYING by....
The PETS!!! They love each other and enjoy ok... Discus enjoys....snuggling on Defenses bed every.night. Discus has recently been fixed but Husband recently caught a picture of a Fischer on the game camera in the backyard so not sure she is getting to go out and explore the yard any.time.soon. I have been leaving Defense OUT of his crate when I leave with the girls for the day and so far he's done alright as long as the gate is up so he can't get into the kitty litter... I know... disgusting.
Pretty sure that's it for now.... onto the pictures... (that have been sorely lacking lately....)
And so it goes...
9 years ago
you do us proud!!! Dad
Love "catching up"...keep on!!!!
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