Thursday, September 29, 2022

Oh Barkley


On Saturday night Barkley tripped around the campfire and started limping just a little... on Sunday he was fine... but on Monday when got home to let him out his whole right eye was YELLOWY-GOOPY-NASTINESS. We cleaned it a few times as the night went on and then in the AM on Tuesday Husband said it was better but by the time Miss B and I left it was WAY worse, red and just yucky. Husband also said when he got him up to go out on Monday night he was limping again. I called the vet first thing on Tuesday... and they got him an urgent care for 3:30 at a location we hadn't been to yet. 
I got a little mixed up and ended up going about 4 miles out of the way and that bag there... yeah... that's YIFF.... poor guy and POOR ME. I HATE VOMIT.

I had to leave work (before dismissal is really just the WORST time), pick him up, drive an hour but we DID find out poor guy has conjunctivitis and he probably pulled a muscle or has growing pains. I def. feel like a CRAZY dog-mom but CountryMum assures me even though he's big... he's still just a baby... 
Thank goodness for CountryMum picking up the gals at their respective schools and I made it home in time to make homemade mac'n cheese which was on the "plan" and with the chaos of the afternoon I wasn't sure if it was going to happen. 

Bonus: I drove right by the golf course that Husband had his match at.... time for a quick update, smooch and selfie.

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