Tuesday, August 22, 2023

You never know....

 When you are going to head out your front door with scraps for the chickens and be met with a PIG. IN MY YARD. 

I quickly kept Barkley in the house and went outside. Hindsight being what it is... I should have taken my scraps and put the pig in the chicken pen but I didn't know... and oh... did I mention... I was HOME ALONE? I mean this stuff NEVER HAPPENS when Husband is around....

I tried to shoo her down my driveway and she headed STRAIGHT for the garden... I mean we didn't grow MUCH this year but I certainly wasn't willing to let her get anything that MIGHT be in there. 

I tried calling Husband... a million times... I tried calling ALL the parents I had phone numbers for that were also at soccer practice and NO ONE answered their phone... I finally called Heather and she answered the phone by saying "do you have a pig in your yard?" I hollered back... WHAT HAPPENED TO NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH! YES I HAVE A PIG... I had grabbed a random 2x4 on the way down the driveway to "encourage" her to keep moving away from me... and Heather came out of her house to "help". We had no idea WHO the pig belonged to... but managed to get her all the way to the end of our dirt road... Heather and I got a good giggle over the fact that new neighbors moved into the end of our road and here was the welcoming committee.... two middle aged women with a 2x4 and a PIG. Welcome to the hood. 

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