Thursday, September 28, 2023

Soccer Nights

AKA kid switcharoo day... Harper was dropped off at my house at 6:45AM to get a ride to school, Miss B went home from school with her coach aka Harper's dad, who came to pick up Harp at school and take those two to practice, Marisa had a meeting so I took this one with me to the soccer game, Husband had to pick up one of Miss B's friends on his way home from the course and bring HER to practice where Miss B was. :) Somehow all the children made their way back to their own homes by about 7:45ish... haha

Fun to have a co-pilot for part of the ride... course I wasn't paying attention so we got a little turned around but....we made it :) and got to see MOST of the 7th grade game as well because they were running so late

My girl doin' her THANG... This game was SUPER PHYSICAL... They were VERY rough, refs called NOTHING but she scored 3 goals, her teammates scored 3 and they won 6-1. 

I was getting SO nervous at the end of the game... cheap shots were being taken and I know it's often in those last seconds that injuries happen. When I saw her tell a teammate that had just been taken down by a girl that had been so rough that she was switching and taking that girl I might have held my breath for the last 2 minutes of the game.... 

I snapped this as we were all walking off the field....I love doing the sports Mom life with these humans... 

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