1. Do you like blue cheese? In dressing and only with hot boneless chicken tenders
2. Have you ever read a book in one sitting? Mmmm I’m sure I have, but can’t remember one, unless Green Eggs and Ham counts?
7. Favorite Christmas song? The one that goes… “one silent night… one holy night.. when all was calm… when all was bright…” I THINK it is FFH but I cannot for the life of me find the song or manage to get a copy of it.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Husband’s coffee… I mean not the coffee he poured for himself but I like the coffee he makes for me the best
9. Can you do push-ups? Yeah… but why would you WANT to?
10. Favorite thing about the person who sent this to you? Not sure yet. I know her but don’t really KNOW her :)
12. Favorite hobby? Does cleaning count? :) Reading.
13. Do you put butter on your popcorn? Yes. Though not technically. Husband makes that too :)
15. What one trait do you hate about yourself? “Hair Trigger”
16. Middle Name(s): Elizabeth (whoa! Me too D!! :))
Is someone coming down the hallway, I should be doing the work on my desk, This is WAY more fun
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday.
Um… nothing. Literally did not spend any $$ yesterday.
19. Name 3 things you drink on a regular basis.
o Water
o Coffee
o Diet Pepsi
20. Current worry right now? My family and our broken hearts, the Mom I mentioned that has cancer, my cousin who has cancer, my parents, my grandparents failing health… oh wait… we are commanded not to worry right? Oh yah.
21. Current hate right now? That I’m at work and want to be home :)
22. Favorite place to be? Rangeley with Husband
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Um… honestly. Not sure. Oh yah. This on NYDay
24. Where would you like to go? Italy with Husband
25. Name three people who will complete this? I’m not holding my breath that anyone else will do this unless they are desperate for a blog post, ha ha. (Ditto again)
26. Do you own slippers? yes
27. What shirt are you wearing? A brown ¾ sleeve (I’m boycotting the 6-12” of snow that is coming)
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Never have. I LOVE and HAVE TO HAVE Sateen though. Oooooo laaa laaa
29. Can you whistle? Yep
30. Favorite color? Celery Green
31. Would you be a pirate? The stealing part, no. The out at sea part, no. The fun outfits and warm weather, SURE :)
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? Don’t typically sing in the shower
33. Favorite girl’s name? Marina Jane
34. Favorite boy’s name?
35. What’s in your pocket right now?
36. Last thing that made you laugh? The guy I support being “himself” in a meeting with 25 of our co-workers.
37. Best bed sheets as a child? Sateen. :) it’s my mother’s fault I’m so picky about my sheets.
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? Thankfully, I can’t think of one??
39. Do you love where you live? Yes, yes and again I say YES. :)
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? Three… two that we actually use… one in the basement
41. Who is your loudest friend? I think I’M people’s loudest friends! :) Maybe SIL Betsy though :)
42. How many dogs do you have? One. The best one EVER. (Pic from the snow storm last night 2/26)
43. Does someone have a crush on you? I HOPE Husband
45. What is your favorite book? Anything that has a good ending where the boy and girl fall in love and get married.
46. What is your favorite candy? Snickers
47. Favorite Sports Team? RED SOX
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? I can’t answer that. I won’t care. I will be rejoicing in heaven with my Savior. But, whatever would give my family peace.
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? SLEEPING. Who needs to be up at that time!?!?!?
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Yucky, I have to have blood taken this AM.
51. Do you have a dishwasher? YES
52. Is your living room carpeted or does it have hardwood floors? Carpet and I HATE HATE HATE it.
53. What room is your computer in? My den
54. Are there pictures hanging in your living room? Yes. A map of Rangeley, and pics of 5 out of 7 nieces and nephews.
55. What personality trait gets on your nerves the most? Arrogance (ditto-ing that one too)
56. What decade were you born in? the 70’s
56. Do you like to entertain? YES! I love having people in my home to share a meal and/or just hang out
57. What were you doing exactly an hour ago? Probably this list…
58. Do you like to wear hats? Yep. My Red Sox hat and my cowboy hat!!! :)
59. Last thing you read? A blog
60. Favorite website? Blogs of friends ~ (Ditto)
61. Last person you emailed? Tracy
62. Last person who emailed you? Tracy
63. Do you own any season DVDs? Dawson Creek Seasons 1-4 J Wish, pray and hope for the complete Friends Seasons 1-10 at every birthday, Christmas gift holidays
64. Last thing you ate? See 46
65. Favorite toy as a child? Tina. Until her head fell off and my mother threw her away. Still carrying that pain.
66. Have you ever ridden on a train? Yes.
67. Favorite subject in school? Socializing? Does that count?
68. What do you see out your window? At work, RT 1, buildings, dirty snow banks, grey skies and the bright Irving Gas price sign
69. Baths or showers? Showers. Though I do love my garden tub with jets :) (little bit rubbing it in D :))
70. Name of favorite cousin? Can I answer that? I have a couple that read this blog. :)
71. Worst movie you ever saw? Napoleon Dynamite
72. Biggest change this past year? Lost my FIL :(
73. What hurts you the most? Disappointment
74. Biggest regret? 18-23
75. Person from your childhood that you remember most fondly? Mrs. Zazak, 1st grade :)
76. What is the third digit of your current weight? Fluxuates between 5-9
77. How many personal snail mail notes or letters have you sent in the past month? None. But I NEED to get some boxes in the mail to some people!!!
78. Favorite form of art? Music
77. Worst date you ever had? ??
78. Second favorite color? Chocolate brown
79. Have you ever met anyone in person that you had first met online? No
80. Funniest person you know? Tracy (D, she’s in my list 3 times now… def. head swelling :))
81. Last word you googled? FFH, see 7
82. Favorite author? Not sure…
83. Favorite fictional character? Mary Fiore ~ The Wedding Planner
84. Last time you ate out? Lunch today on my way to a meeting
85. The hardest thing you have ever done? see 72
86. Talent you wish you had? Play piano
87. Are you a good cook? Yep! :)
88. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled or in one of Husband’s fried egg sandwiches he makes
89. Favorite vegetable? Asparagus
90. Are you a good speller? NO. In fact, I get it from my father, who is a HORRIBLE speller. My mother wanted to name me Elizabeth but my Dad was so afraid that I would take after him with his bad spelling that I would get to Kindergarten and not be able to spell my name. So they went with something shorter :)
91. What should you be doing right now? Working
92. Pet Peeve? Stupid people day. You know those days.. when literally EVERYONE is just dumb that day :) and being able to hear people "mouth breathing".
93. Who is your hero? Husband, especially after spending an overnight with my grandparents at my parents house
94. Nicest thing that happened to you today? Mmmmm day is not over so I’m going to hold out for something nice ~ good thing I did... :) came home to Husband's homemade dinner rolls... YUM YUM YUM!!!
96. Do you have a blog? Uh… duh.
97. Is your hair long or short? Longish
98. What did you do last night? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! WHOOPPIEE!!!
99. Are you glad this is about done? Yes, but it was fun!
100. Favorite question? 22
1 comment:
That was fun to read! Actually, more fun to read than to fill out, lol.
As for T, we are in so.much.trouble. She won't be fit to live with. ;)
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