Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Swirling Around...

It's been quiet here on the blog... not so much because there wasn't much going on but mostly because I'M TIRED and it takes a lot of effort to haul out the camera... no really. I know... the rest of you Mama's are tired too... but def. takes some getting used to, this sleep deprivation, figuring out how to get some place on time, making sure this teenie tiny is fed, dry, filled up on sleep and has adequate "tummy time". I mean really... how DO you do it all? :)

J's Dad was taken to the hospital on Sunday afternoon with some weird memory loss and blackouts which they were afraid could be a stroke. THANKFULLY none of the tests indicated stroke so they are chalking it up to some weird amnesia thing that he SHOULD never have again and he was just about fully recovered today. PTL. In the meantime, we got CJ on Sunday so they could be with family at the hospital and the little man put on a brave face. He hadn't been here by himself since Ho-Han was born so it took him a few minutes to settle in but once he did all was swell. We played cars aka tars, had tacos aka nachos for dinner, and I promised him a tubby with Minnie. Or as he refers to her "pitty girl" :) I love it. On Monday, CountryMum and I tagged teamed the three of them and it could possibly have further cemented in my heart and mind that our one girl is good for me :) It was also a monumental day in that the diaper cake was taken apart....I needed the dipes but it made me sad to have to take it down. I remember just a few short months ago how excited I was to receive it :)
Thanks Chrissy and sisters... :) It has come in VERY handy this week.
We go today for another weight check. Things on that end as far as Minnie goes are well. She is gaining weight but it is a process to feed her. There is much work, supplements, pumps, time, energy, $$, formula, and Mama S that goes into keeping this girl gaining. It's all worth it, but it consumes much of our days. I am trying SO hard not to wish the time away because I do know how fast it goes and how fast it is GOING but sure will be nice to hand her a PB&J and tell her to finish her lunch. ;) (and on that note, follow it up with "because then you are going up for a nap" :) and have her understand :)
Pretty sure I'm in a funk but I'm also pretty sure it has to do with the lack of rest. I'm Country Dad. We don't function well without sleep. PTL for Husband... the man can survive on 5 hours or less. What WOULD I do without him?? :)
Fun stuff coming up on the blog with some visits with friends and I am HOPING it all works out to reveal a surprise on Friday... will be cute if I can pull it all off :)
Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

you hang in there its all worth it when they grow up to be like you C D

Mama H said...

A co-worker of mine just had that same amnesia thing. I had no idea it even existed!!!

PS...I love surprises! I can't wait for Friday! :)

Momma S said...

Hang in there. She will sleep through the night again and you will feel like a normal rested person again... eventually!

Momma S said...

Oh and I'll be looking forward to your post on Friday!

TracyMichele said...

I hate surprises. :) Well, I hate the ones I know are coming. If I am surprised out of the blue.. I like that. :)

Hang in there. It WILL get easier. Either that or our minds give up and we just go numb. Jury is still out on that one.