Any comments on how things went when you processed and REALLY thought about the "proper" respect that your Husband deserves? Did you come along any times when perhaps you were treating him differently in private than you were in public?? Keep the comments and thoughts coming... we can all learn from each other...
This weeks point in the Word is: Do you show disrespect by facial and body language?
Uh.... yes. This is fairly black and white to me... I have ALWAYS been the girl who doesn't hide things very well and if you want to know what I think about something you typically only have to look at me. It flashes across my eyes and my "countenance" (A word I HATED to hear CountryMum bring up when I was a teenage girl) ALWAYS gave away my bad thoughts...such is also the case when Husband and I could perhaps be having a "moment" :) Not ok ladies... def. not ok.
The scripture that Pastor P used with this point was Genesis 4:6-7 "Then the Lord said to Cain, "why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
I found that this week... there was much stress and perhaps some hormone related things going on as we girls know... and I definately found myself using body language to show disrespect to Husband. The last part of that verse is something I should have been clinging to... "it desires to have you, but you must master it" we can ONLY do that with the Lord's help and I was having a REALLY hard time "mastering" it...
What sort of body language do you use to show disrespect to your Husband... or what sort of "look" do you give him that you KNOW portrays a message that only HE understands and it ISN'T a good one??
And so it goes...
9 years ago
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