I can hear you all sighing in either a collective PHEW or is it an ALLLREEAADDYYY???? :) course at the lack of comments lately (Husband actually said "Comments have been kinda lame, like no one is commenting!!") so maybe I've driven you all away :) ah well.... :)
The last verse that I have here in my notes is James 1:19:
"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"
Interesting that it was the last verse when really... if you applied this and perhaps only this to your marriage ladies how many uncomfortable, frustrating, upsetting, angry times could we avoid?? :)
The last three points Pastor made, and I feel like I am missing some verses here because I don't have any written down.... are the following;
Listen Carefully
Do you respect his position is the home so that you do things while he's not home?
Do you do what he asks even if it's not important to YOU?
The first one... ok. Gotcha. This is something that I really feel passionately about. I'm not getting all "OPRAH" on you :) but people want to be heard. Everyone has a story to tell and when someone listens intently to you... don't you feel like the MOST important person in the world right then? And don't you want to make people feel like that? Our Husband's especially, since for the most part, and I know this is probably a little stereotypical but they don't talk as much as US :) I have found that when Husband has something to say it is TYPICALLY something that I want/need/should hear so I try to listen carefully, not being concerned with what I'm going to say next or thinking about dinner. I find this MUCH more challenging with Minnie. She is a distraction no doubt :) but I know this is all temporary and she'll be the one chatting that I'll need to listen to very soon :) I need to keep my listening finely tuned :)
The next point has me a little confused. I can't remember what he said about it but if I am interpreting it right...maybe talking to those wives/mom's who stay home?? Do you make the best use of your time while he is at work? Meal prepping, house cleaning, food gathering, etc? so that when he comes home it is a sanctuary of peace and relaxation for him? For those working women how do YOU manage this time? You are stretched between being a wife, a mom, a cook, a cleaner, a shopper, a bill payer, etc? How do you do everything? I expect that at some point in the future I will be back into the work-force (BLECK!!!! :) so I will be coming to you women for time management pointers... just thinking about it overwhelms me!! :) But with my roll as it is right now I want to manage my time better so that when Husband is home... we are relaxed and enjoying time together. My friend Tracy does her housework on Fridays. That way the house is picked up and ready to head into a fun-filled weekend with her family. Makes sense to me.
The last one kinda goes along with the listening and making our guys feel like the most important person in our life...as they should be....right behind God. If he asks you to do something... do you make it a priority because it is to him? I think I could definitely do better in this area...paying more attention to what Husband asks me to do and working that into my time management of the day...time management could probably be a whole post in and of itself... could it not? :)
Thanks for coming along for the ride... those of you that actually took the time to read and especially those that responded. I hope there was just one little nugget you were able to take out to apply to your current marriage, your finance or your prayer life for the one God has picked out just for you but hasn't introduced you to yet :)
And so it goes...
9 years ago
Seriously? The last one? Oh, come on...I know you could make this a weekly thing moving forward. Please...
aw I really enjoyed these posts. I have actually learned a lot . I love my husband dearly, but there are a few issues of my own I need to work on to make him feel special. I make him feel bad when I am feeling bad and that should never happen. I just need to get past some of my own issues, somehow, and move on. Thank you for these insightful posts; it truly has opened my eyes. When I am feeling down and am putting my husband down I will come back to these posts for inspiration.
I'm not sure why I came back to check on comments so soon but I'm so glad I did. I love that someone left an Anonymous comment. See, Country Mouse...people love Wednesday's in the WORD! You need to keep them going!
Guilty of not posting a comment... But I have picked up a few pieces of inspiration. I've been challenged and convicted by some of your points. Thank you for Wednesday's WORD! And I agree with Mama H, Keep it up!... please?
I love WITW...I have a REALLY hard time with this...I only have two ears and LOTS of people who want them! Usually we hide in the bathroom or kitchen and make everyone KEEP OUT while we talk...that's really the only way I can listen to him...
Anonymous - thank you for sharing...I can identify with what you are going through...try to find support to help you get through what you need to get through...it's and invaluable investment!
I've enjoyed every one of WITW and have really enjoyed the review. It's important no matter how long you've been married:) I'm so proud of you for sharing these great posts! CM
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