Per CountryMum's handwriting on the back of the picture:
Grampa T and (insert my name and if you REALLY know me it is actually the name my DAD calls me)
5 weeks old 7/8/77
My Grampa T passed away when I was in 8th grade from cancer. He was my favorite. Don't tell anyone. He was a building mover and with the size hands he had in my child mind I actually thought he picked UP the buildings and moved them. He had his own sawmill and always smelled of sawdust. He and my Nannie T's house was so fun for JJ and I. They had a menagerie of animals including parrots, cats, a monkey (Petey), peacocks and other various birds. And, at one point, (before me) a drunk red faced ape living in their basement. Seriously. Let me say that again. A Drunk.Ape.Basement.
I know. Just try to get your minds around it. And that's all I'm going to say about it because I can't do the story justice. We'll have to get the CountryRents to make a guest blog apperance. :)
And so it goes...
9 years ago
Are you kidding me?? This is real??!!!??? They ACTUALLY had a drunk ape for a pet??!!?? (and by the it really called a DRUNK ape? I need to google this!!!)
You're probably laughing at me and my lack of knowledge when it comes to this so-called drunk ape...but I can't seem to find this thing me, I've found plenty of other random drunk monkey sites but nothing that looks quite like the fuzzy friend that you posted...hahaha. And here lies the danger of googling things that you don't know anything about....EEEK!
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