I haven't done a REAL Minnie update for yah babe since your one year birthday... I think it is due time. I don't want to forget these fleeting moments...
You speak: Dada, BrrrmmmPa-Pa, Mama, Nana, "nack" aka snack, yep, no, and "no,no,no" when we ask you what Mama says. Hee hee hee. You can tell us what sound a Dog, Elephant, Horse, Monkey, Chicken and an Owl make. If we ask you about the owl you immediately run for the book that has a picture of one, flip to the page and point to it smiling. Smart Girl. :)
A typical day at home around here is wake up sometime between 6:15-7AM but we RARELY get you out of your bed before 7AM. You and I have breakfast while we listen to music on the TV ~ you still love Chris Tomlin, Mercy Me, Jeremy Camp and Philips, Craig and Dean. You make Uncle L proud :) Whom, by the way, you have a VERY special relationship with. Or is it his iPhone? We aren't really sure :) but you LOVE to sit in his lap and listen to the music on his phone. It is quite possibly one of your FAVORITE things to do :)
After breakfast which is a combo of the following, baby food fruit, oatmeal, yogurt, bananas, Daddy's homemade pancakes, toast with MiMi's jam, or an English muffin ~ you play with your toys while Mom picks up the kitchen, vacuums, dusts or starts any laundry or empties the dishwasher. Then we get you dressed and you typically hang out in either your pack 'n play in our bedroom while I shower and get ready for the day or in your crib in your room. You LOVE to play in your room.
Then we come back downstairs and it's typically about the time you are looking for a 4-6 oz bottle. You know when you are getting sleepy and if I ask if you want "a bink and a bear" you head for the stairs. The past 3-4 mornings you have cried a bit (60-90 seconds)when I put you down for your nap and then you end up sleeping for 2+ hours.
When you get up we have lunch of WHATEVER I can get you to eat, sometimes baby food, pasta with red sauce, plain pasta, mac 'n cheese, cheese, blueberries, a piece of bread toasted with cheese on it or a couple bites of scrambled egg. You really eat barely ANYTHING nowadays Minnie girl... you're a tough one :)
Sometimes you end up having another little rest in the afternoon and sometimes you have slept so much in the AM that you are all set. Makes for a long afternoon and by about 4:30 we are ALL feeling it. You have dinner with us around 5:15-5:30, a tubby on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, a 5-6 oz bottle around 6:15 and you are ready for your bed between 6:30-7.
Weight: 22.7 lbs 40%
Height: 32 1/2 in 95%
Head Cir. 45cm 25%
Because we've been experiencing the same nasty sickies that have hit what seems to be EVERY home in our area we haven't been out much. We are missing our play dates and I know you love to socialize with your friends and family. You are SO anxious to get outside that the other day I just put your coat and boots over your sleeper jammies and let you go outside and play in the mud. You had a BLAST :) I treated all the mud stains and your jammies are no worse for the wear. Your boots need to be hosed off but all part of living on a dirt road and being a kid. :)
I hope you continue to have FUN in this house Minnie and that it is filled with much laughter, friends, family, and fellowship. I pray you understand the meaning of spending time together, hanging out and that you are having as much fun with us as we are with you. We both want you to grow up in a home where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you are loved, you are fun, and you are special.
WE love you baby (big) girl,
Mama and Dada
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