Thursday, February 6, 2014


I asked a friend the other day if she was looking forward to spring... she has some exciting things coming up, work she is doing would be complete and let's all not forget that spring IS COMING (as I type this in the middle of a snow storm dumping a foot of snow on us :)
 and while she did respond with a tentative "yes..." there was more that we worked through that has just stuck with me...

we chatted about working through James, and how it is about finding the JOY in each trial... because they are just going to keep coming. We have to choose the happy no matter what because there will always be SOMETHING we don't like, something that makes us uncomfortable or just generally a hard time...this world is not meant for us to be at peace with, at home in, comfortable (though that is how I prefer things... I'm not one for uncomfortable ;) there was ALWAYS be a trial of some sort...
 but it is kinda back to 1000 Gifts... there are things throughout the day that you can see God's love for you.. sometimes little things sometimes really BIG things....our conversation resonated with me and has for the past week or so...
do I choose JOY? Sometimes. Should I all the time? Absolutely. I mean seriously...

The above pictures were all taken sitting at breakfast, drinking coffee that Husband made for me, at my kitchen table in our cozy home. There is MUCH to be JOYFUL about in that sentence alone...

1 comment:

Mama H said...

So true! Remind me to share a verse from Jonah with you tonight at Bible study! Same types of things swirling through my head lately!