Monday, February 10, 2014

Miss B: 18 Months

Awww Sweet Miss B, What a love BUG YOU ARE! Snuggly doesn't even start to describe how much you love hugs, kisses, running into Daddy's open arms, sitting on laps and SLEEPING IN MOMMY AND DADDY'S BED EVERY MORNING! :)

You are realizing how funny you are and that you can get a reaction from those around you by doing silly things. You are super social, just like your big sister, but you are still a Mama's girl. A typical day for you starts around 5AM... if we are LUCKY you will fall back asleep with Mom until about 6:15... but if Minnie says ANYTHING over the monitor and you hear it, you wake from a DEAD SLEEP. Gotta love girls who are afraid they are missing a good time ;) The three of us will have breakfast after Daddy leaves for work and then we get ready for the day. You and Minnie both take a nap from about 12:30-2:15.. .but oh how I love the days you make it a little longer and don't wake up CRYING. We eat dinner around 5:30 and you are ready for bed by 6:55 ;) Typically you lay right down and go right to sleep. We don't usually have too much trouble when it is time for sleep with you. It's just the waking up that is troublesome ;)

Your big sister never really cared about what she was going to wear for the day but you are AL-READY starting to show your preference over clothes :) thankfully it doesn't happen very often but I can see the beginnings of that will coming out :) You absolutely LOVE accessories; hats, necklaces, shoes and I often find you wearing one or all of them as you play around the house. Playing with Minnie is one of your favorite things to do but you do OK finding your own fun as well. You LOVE LOVE LOVE your bink and your blanket. You don't really have an attachment to any sort of stuffed animal or toy yet but you do love to snuggle with those things.

You can talk up a storm but MOST of the time we have NO IDEA what you are saying. You, however, are understanding just about everything that we say. You can follow instruction like "go get some shoes and a hat" or "please throw this in the trash" :) Super cute.
You can say most everyone's names that you see often and "Nah-Nah" for Minnie is your favorite word with dog and cat close 2nds and 3rds. I'm still "Mommy, Mama and MOM" (ICK!!) and you say "Daddy". You are putting families together and in fact will group the entire D Family into just "Pee-Bee" :) Our favorite "tricks" are getting you to sing like Ariel (the Little Mermaid), asking you questions to see if you will say "mmmm-NO" or "yep", hearing you answer someone with "WHAT!" and saying "almost, OK, or All Done" during a diaper change.

 You are still in size 5 shoes but I went down to the totes looking for 6's the other day. You are in 18-24 month clothes, 24 month onesies, and size 5 diapers. You LOVE grilled cheese, all fruit except oranges... I think it is a texture thing, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, corn, pasta, burger...sometimes, ham, steak and chicken SOMETIMES ;) Being outside is one of your favorite things but wearing a snowsuit is NOT. Bring on SPRING!!

Your little will is making its appearance and I hear OFTEN through the day "NO!" either directed at me or Minnie. You are still a little "pushy" with your friends and we are working on being soft and gentle. You already know what it means to go and stand in the corner and will put yourself there for things like hitting and then come right back out to the person you hit and say "sawwryyy". I know it is only going to get more challenging but we are in it for the long haul my love. Daddy and I adore you too much to give up on yah little one!
We have the BEST in you Miss  B and we just love you, your personality and your uniqueness.

God sure doesn't make mistakes with families and putting just the right kiddos with their parents. :) We are so blessed with you!!!

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