Thursday, December 10, 2020


We have needed to replace the living room carpet for about 6-7 years... almost 20 years of 2 dogs, 2 kids, a gazillion teenagers and spaghetti dinners, work boots, wear and tear and we FINALLY DID IT! Full disclaimer of how nasty and gross it truly was because now you can REALLY see how awesome it is! :) 

Nasty water stains from the door leaking... please note painted door... only took me 2 years... ack. 

Wear and tear on the stairs...

On Friday night AFTER Husband had his routine colonoscopy (poor guy!) he and Tricky started tearin' it up...we saved $$ of course doing all the rip out ourselves (and by ourselves I mean HUSBAND)

soooooo happy to get the CAT PEE SMELL ON A HUMID DAY out of this room. YUCK!

In the thick of the project... situations like this STRESS.ME.OUT. 

All carpet and pad gone... vac'd and ready for Monday...

In progress... poor Defense had NO IDEA what was going on... he was stressed out for sure... 

This guy is so amazing... 


Monday AM vac'd at 6:20 AM ready for it...

By the time Husband and the gals got home they were just finishing up... thick and squishy for the playroom (so thick in fact, Husband had to take the closet door and den door off so he can shave the bottom so we can close them... and by shave I think he'll have to take an inch ANYWAY. YIKES!) 


Right now it's a toss up on if I like the smell of new car or new CARPET more... so happy!

So happy it is DONE! Now I guess I have to do something about THIS since there are only 15 days left until I could technically take it DOWN.... 


1 comment:

tractor said...

It looks soooo good and smells good too!