Friday, February 5, 2021

Almost to Canada (Minnie and Daddy)

Too bad the border is closed AND they don't have passports because they drove so far north they could have gone to ANOTHER COUNTRY! I mean LOOK at that sky!

A couple of months ago Husband's buddy asked if he'd be interested in this derby. We chatted about it and both knew that trying to make it another "boy's" fishing weekend was NOT going to work for our fisher-GIRL! We explained the LONG car ride, the up and at 'em early (which has NEVER bothered her) and the missed day off school..... she was COMPLETELY ON BOARD! :) She and Husband headed North, following Miss Dayna's hubby and son who were also going up to the derby but staying with family.... and they made it there in record time :) They hit the ice early on Saturday and stayed late....

My girl pulling up her first salmon of the year....

It WAS as cold as it looks in this picture... you figure if HUSBAND is dressed in layers and multiple hat type options.... it's COLD!!!! They said the wind on Saturday was the worst of it and on Sunday when it was probably even colder it didn't feel like it because of the sun and no wind.... 

They had THE BEST time and I think that was the longest I have EVER been away from Minnie. I swear she came back having grown another 2 inches and YEARS in maturity.... I'm SO happy they are home but I'm SO happy they got to do this together... they are already thinking about next year

Minnie has told me how much she LOVED it up there.... I wouldn't be interested in 8 months of winter but this sure is gorgeous....

*all photos courtesy of Guinny and mini-Guinny


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