Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Bible Project

It was TIME...I have been putting it off for WAY too long... after a bottle of olive oil was spilled all over it I probably should have gotten a new one then.....but I dried it out and just kept patching it together.... I really do NOT like "new" Bibles... but when you have to grab multiple pieces to make up your ONE Bible...

It was time....

but... the history... the notes... the Bible studies....the colon cancer... the scripture memorization with my gals.... I wanted ALL of it in ALL the multi-colors in my NEW Bible...

So I purchased my favorite pen in multi-colors and set to work....

I went page by page....and used the same color pens for the same notes....

and it is FINISHED.... The Bible Project complete....


1 comment:

tractor said...

always want to do that but NEVER have You are awsome!!