Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Home Day

Minnie's quarantine dates got mixed up... so it was MY TURN to stay home on Monday! 60 degrees and full sunshine... a bonus day home... YES PLEASE! I waited until I couldn't wait anymore and it was TIME to finally pull the zinnias....

I mean... we had a good run...

Husband and I have been working on leaf blowing (lawn mowing to push them into piles) and I decided that Minnie and I could TOTALLY start this thing and I could keep working on it... phew it was harder than I thought but we did it and I even ran it so long that I ran out of gas! :) Course I did not take any "after" pics....

Minnie has been great in this batch of quarantine... when she was remote for a day last year it was a struggle but she has really done such a great job staying focused and engaged which is so hard when most of the class is in person and you are not... she was definitely READY to head back today... excited to be with Husband on the commute and SUPER excited to see her friends and chat at locker time 

and this was just for fun... I told Heather this summer how much I love my potato vine and then when I pull it in the fall there will be an ACTUAL potato... I had never really researched if you can eat them or not but I did yesterday... sure enough... the leaves are NOT good for you and actually can be poisonous to dogs if they eat them but the potato you can eat... they say it doesn't tase great so most people don't... but you CAN....

WE DID NOT... I just chucked it in the woods like I do every year ;) 

Whew... productive day at home... love it!


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