Friday, November 12, 2021

Edited: 30 Years...

30 years ago today I was diagnosed with T1D... aka Type 1 Diabetes...aka back then... Juvenile Diabetes... Five years ago I did this post HERE and we have raised money every year since... this year keeping it low-key, not raising money or making a big thing....but sweet Miss B BEGGED.... she LOVES her blue hair looks forward to telling people why she has it and telling people about the special people in her life that have Type 1. I bought the hair, I told Meag and Jess... and we did it... 

Random Side Note: I love the love between these two

And to round it out....these are just for "fun".... if you get it.... you get it...

Couldn't have survived these last 30 years without the CountryRents and the past 20 without Husband... he checks my sugar before he goes to bed EVERY night... he gives me a correction if I need it, a juice box if I need it... he monitors trends and he listens for alarms.... I could NOT manage this on my own and I am SO thankful for my support system....

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