Saturday, July 1, 2023

Georgia (Part 2)

After leaving the conference and FINALLY getting out of the gridiron parking lot we headed NORTH... always our favorite direction. Sugared the kid up and we were off to "Contradance". We had no idea what to expect but Aliviah said we HAD TO GO... and we were so glad we did! 
I mean picture back country folk setting out the "snack table" and gettin' ready for their barn party!

The pink dot on her name tag indicates that she's "new" :)

In the north we call it... SQUARE DANCING.... Apparently in the south it's CONTRADANCE but if you are Miss B trying to remember it all... it's "Boot Dancing" :) hahahaha

Ask me to see the videos... I should try to figure out how to get them uploaded here because my girl had the TIME OF HER LIFE... getting spun all over the place, following all the calls and just enjoying every second with all her buds! :)

Michelle and I left "early" around 10 to come home to sort out the bunny, make beds and figure out sleeping arrangements... this was a 1AM night I think... and you can tell that poor Hiccup the dog has NO idea why we are up so late and truthfully I was wondering the same thing!
I was up at 7 but unfortunately this van full of teenagers was NOT... we ended up about 15 min late for church that was an hour and 15 minutes away so we had to sit in the overflow... but it was fine... 

and the ride home was beautiful... Minnie was in her happy place...

After we dropped off the "extra kids" just how it works at "camp"... always kids tucked everywhere... 

We headed downtown to Helen... the only thing I really wanted to see was Betty's per CountryDad's recommendation..

Another mission accomplished!
We had a TORRENTIAL downpour while we were walking Main Street so that cut our visit to the cute little town SHORT... We went back to hang out at the cabin and were able to recreate this picture :) 

Peep Hiccup photo bombing in the back :) 
The kids watched a movie and Michelle and I had SO.MANY.WORDS. out on her farmer's porch... we didn't get to bed until after 12AM again...
I'm sure if you enlarge the picture you will see my very unhappy teenager to be leaving the woods and heading back to the "Big City"...

She will tell you "Camp" was by FAR her favorite part!

But alas we headed back and went to drop off the rental, jump in with Uncle Mike and he begrudgingly took us to Kroger ;) The CountryRents always get to grocery shop with them... I wanted Minnie and I to have the same fun! :) hahahaha We just grabbed a few things and then headed back to their house... swam in the pool with my cousin's gals and the enjoyed a family dinner with Craig, Kat, their gals and Uncle Mike and Aunt Carol. Swapping grandparent stories and enjoying pizza! 

We were to bed around 11 and up at 6:45 to head to the airport for 9:30... A whirlwind but I am SO SO SO happy we did it, I am honestly so PROUD of myself for just booking it and I know it is a core memory Minnie and I will have FOREVER...

1 comment:

tractor said...

So PROUD of you to do all of that!!