Sunday, December 31, 2023

Proud and Embarrassed

 While I have been a Christian for MOST of my life, I will come clean and say... I have NEVER, EVER read the Bible in its entirety. Embarrassing. 

I have been saved since I was four, baptized by my own choice around age 12, gone to Christian youth camps, done Bible studies, devos, listened to sermons, faithfully gone to Sunday School and church and have covered MUCH of it I am sure... but I have personally NEVER read it ALL. 

I will never be able to say that again. 

Over the past year, every day, I read through chronologically. I am done. I am SO PROUD of myself and it was time SO.WELL.SPENT. I loved it! I loved it in order, I loved the "program" I used, I loved that it was actually my "little" secret for much of the year... (more on that in a bit)

I was inspired by a blog post on a blog that I like to read and she started an Instagram page just for accountability. I thought... yah...I can do that... I drink my coffee in bed every morning... my routine is always the same...

Even when Minnie and I headed out of town! This was a little more challenging because I lost the speaker on my phone so I was able to continue with my reading plan, but I had to catch up on my Recaps when I got home....but I DID IT! I was able to get all the podcasts on Amazon Music

SO EASY!!! My routine as the school year went on is reading during coffee and listening to the podcast on the way to school for my morning commute. The timing usually works out pretty perfect by the time I start it... it's usually ending just as I turn off onto the last part of my commute. I LOVE it.

Now... why the "secret"? Shouldn't I be shouting to everyone? Honestly... I didn't know if I would be able to complete it... lazy... or if I'd not stick with... I have tried in the past and failed...whatever... I just kept it to myself for a really long time... but now... NOPE... You all need to do it! :) It was so fun and the question is... will I do it again... YEP! Starting back at Genesis 1:1 on January 1, 2024. Can't WAIT to start again!!!


tractor said...

So proud!!

Mix and Match Mama said...

I am SO blessed by this!!!! I truly could cry. Thank you for sharing this with me. I am so blessed by this. Sending you much love in 2024! xx