Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Weekend Report

 While Husband was in HER favorite place doing THIS....
Photo courtesy Do-Do

Photo courtesy Do-Do

She was doing THIS... She would MUCH rather have been north with her Dad and buddies....

Especially since she got the crap beat out of her...

It was a snowstorm when we left so she came home with me vs. riding the bus and I snagged them McD's on our way home....
On Saturday she had practice and got invited to go ice fishing (bless the LORD oh my soul) on Sunday... so we ran around getting bait and getting her ready.... Saturday night... no photographic evidence but JJ saved my life... quite literally... when I ran out of insulin and my Rx had "expired". You know... incase I was CURED of my T1D.... but he hooked me up and I have a stash now... #rookiemistake

She has learned from her Daddy.... 

Miss B woke us all up BRIGHT and early (5:30) Sunday AM so we could bring Minnie about 45 min away to the derby... she was the first one to show up out of her friend group and fished for about 2 hours with Bella's dad :) He loved it! Miss B and I swung into the bakery that is right there and snagged some donuts for she, Minnie and Husband. 

Miss B and I headed to SS and church and I caught this sweet moment during worship between MIL and Ruby...too cute!

Miss B and I snuck out a little early and had a little lunch date and did some shopping.

Meanwhile.... Minnie was having the time of her LIFE!
Only caught 1 fish and it wasn't even on HER trap but she didn't care... frozen water, fresh air, fishing and friends... filled her cup for sure! 

Minnie wanted to hang for the prizes and to hear if Bella's brother was going to win anything and I looked around at Redneck City Central and just giggled.... 
We came home and our GUY WAS HOME!! HOORAY!!!!

Now we get to do it all over again THIS weekend when he heads for NH!

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