Friday, February 7, 2025

All the Bball

With an impending storm headed our way it was ALL the basketball....

On Tuesday after Minnie had practice we had to head to San-fid to watch them play Gorham. The loser of that game is who we play first round of the playoffs. I made a quick appetizer of burrata for Miss B, Husband and I (and I packed some for Minnie) YUM!

I ran right over and snagged a quick pic so we could send it to our group chat :)

Fun watching her girl! #15

Boxing out like a boss! Unfortunately they lost so it looks like us vs. them next week...

On Wednesday they came to OUR house....

I loved this so much!!! 

HTED sent me the same pic from HER side of the bleachers

They both played great and it was fun to watch

This girl has NO IDEA what to do with an inside sport that is as BUCK WILD.... :)

So lucky to have this girl at a soccer game and then her sister at a bball game! She was FUN to sit with!!

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