Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HAPPY 5 Months Minnie!!

You are getting to be SUCH a big girl and your personality is coming out more and more EVERYDAY...

Daddy and I went on a date during his vacation last week so you could stay with Nana and we bought you this high chair seat. Mimi didn't like the idea of us strapping your arms behind the tray like Auntie J does with CJ and Ho-hahn (so they don't get their hands in the way) but it sounded like a good idea to us... too bad your arms are so teenie you just scoot them right out no problem :) You've def. found your voice. We now can call you Skreetchy for the hooting and hollering you like to do... but we MUCH prefer that to the constant whine that even SKY thinks is "kinda annoying" :)
You are getting better and better at your rice cereal and you get it sometime around 9AM and sometime around 5PM. When you do a good job with it you just think you are all that AND a bag of chips :)
Evidence here would show that you are a pretty happy girl but that's not typically the case. You def. give Daddy and I a run for our money. You like to get up for the day sometime between 4-5AM and most nights you still get up for one reason or another. Sometimes you take a couple good 2-3 hour naps during the day and sometimes you don't sleep at ALL. We could set our clocks by you wanting to be in your bed at 6:30-7PM.
You are wearing size 2 dipes still and this afternoon we'll find out how much you weight at the check-up with your Doc. You still fit into your 3 month t-shirt onesies but I've started to haul out the 6-9 month shirts for you. Pants are still 3-6 months and I think you are going to be a BIG fan of the summer when you don't have to wear socks anymore. You LOVE to grab at your toes and try to stick them in your mouth.
I literally am amazed at how much you change and grow EVERYDAY and we are so blessed that you are OUR "skreetchy" pants, Minnie. We love you lots and lots!!!


JJ, J, CJ and L said...

The video is too cute! Connor watched it with me and once it was done said "That's Sien n n na, I love her."


Anonymous said...

I love her and her being chatty already! Ohhh....cuddly and chatty?! More videos please!