Coming down the stairs carrying her almost life sized stuffed deer with Skylar... "Look at this "yum-yum" Skylar and I shot. We are gonna take it in the den and cut it up."
Minnie: Mom, I don't think she (Miss B) likes it. (cooked carrots)
Me: Why?
Minnie: She's making those funny eyes.
Daddy had a big cream filled donut sitting on a plate and he walked away. You sidled up next to it and looked across the table at me and said... "I'm gonna be needin' a bite of that bad boy" :)
Sweet Minnie,
You are now 3 1/2 years old... and Mama is praying us through the next 6 months to make sure we make it to 4!!! You are a tough cookie right now. You challenge just about everything from naps, to getting your own water, to bed time, to how much TV time you get. I think negotiation is your middle name. You are making sure that all the rules that have been set up for your protection and to help guide you into growing up to a Godly girl, are still in fact the same. I assure you... they are.
At the same time you are super fun, you say funny things and you can make Miss B laugh like no one else. You still LOVE to be busy, asking me every morning "where are we going today Mom?" and excited to "do fun stuff". Most recently you are all about picking out your own clothes and getting dressed every morning as SOON as breakfast is over. More often than not you pick out things that match and outfits that I have never even put together. It's pretty cute. You are outgoing with other kids and make friends with anyone 4 feet and shorter. Adventure and new things are still right up your alley.
I recently asked you if you wanted to take dance lessons at a new studio that opened in the next town over and your quick response was "" So I followed it up with "Bethany wants to teach you how to surf. Would you like to do that?" Your response... "Like on a board? In the ocean? Yah. I'll do THAT!" :)
You LOVE: clickers, dresses, skirts, berries, cheese, crackers, pizza, hot dogs, mac 'n cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrot sticks, Cliff bars, fruit leather/ropes, ice cream, Oreos, driving your inherited pink Jeep, digging in the dirt, swinging, playing in any kind of water, visiting with neighbors, playing with your sister in the den, bear, gardening, and playing pretend. Daisy is your favorite baby doll and she is also your best imaginary friend. You like to have a pretend Mom and Dad and some days I can't say that I blame yah. Spending time with your friends and cousins is most definitely your favorite activity and then it doesn't matter WHAT you are doing as long as you have someone to play with.
You are my social gal and pretty sure Daddy and I know right where you get that from. I look forward to the next 6 months (and beyond) of challenges you throw in our direction and asking God how to use them to make YOU grow up to be just the best girl for HIM you can be.
We love you Minnie!!!
Daddy & Mommy (and Miss B)
And so it goes...
9 years ago
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