Saturday, December 10, 2016

Minnie: Speaking Truth

Minnie had her school holiday concert this week. It got us talking about Christmas songs and a new one that came out last year that she and I both liked and we had not heard it yet this year... so I pulled up Y0uTube so that we could listen to it... when it was over I told her about another song that I especially liked this time of year and the reason why....

Just a week or so after Minnie was born (read: hormonal, germ-a-phobe new mom) I knew that Lynne was going to be singing in church on a Sunday before Christmas. I had no idea WHAT she was singing but I wanted to be there to support and plus I just LOVE it when she sings :) So I was parked with my teenie tiny across the street at MIL's until I knew she would be "on"... I tucked my baby in close in the sling and stood in the foyer of the church to listen to my friend sing this song...

After Minnie heard the song she looked straight at me and said "that baby DID change everything Mom"... I said... "most babies do honey"...
she said
"but THAT baby changed the whole WORLD"
Preach it sis-tah.