Monday, February 26, 2024

February Break (The Weekend Report)

To say that my crew had fun over the month of February might be an understatement :)

Sadly for ME... I did not see this guy much but....made the most of a dump date :) on our way to pick up Minnie from bball on Saturday AM
On Sunday, the last day of break, Husband entered the gals into the local ice fishing derby... this was my view on the way to Sunday School.... vehicles for miles!
the whole crew was going to be back together.... I couldn't WAIT to recreate these pictures!!! They are some of my FAVORITE!

The kids (and Tricky) were all SO gracious to me! :) 
Even if it was HARDER to get all three up on the wheeler... hahahaha

These two have done more fishing together this year than the past three combined I think! Friday night they were out with their Dad's from 6:30PM-12:30AM!!! Crappy fishing! They LOVE it!

I mean... I guess who wouldn't? Smash burgers, snacks, friends, sunshine!



Friday, February 23, 2024

February Break Part 3 (Wed/Thurs)

Blast from a February past....

On Tuesday night Miss B slept at Ally's house so they could leave bright and early for GREAT WOLF LODGE! Holy smokes was my girl EXCITED!!! 

SHE HAD THE BEST time and I am SO thankful for these pics from Bridgette!

I mean it would seem this girl slept her vacation away but I assure you it was because of ALL the fun! :)

On Thursday Minnie and Husband headed out again and this time he remembered to send me pics! :)

This girl fished EVERYDAY except 2 during vacation and she could NOT have been happier! :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

February Break Part 2 (Tuesday)

 Tuesday was the HIGHLIGHT of the week for Minnie.... Bri Bri brought the kids down to fish!!!

Probably my FAVORITE picture of the day!

CJ showing the fins...

Minnie was RIGHT in her glory doing what she LOVES to do with people she LOVES!

All fun and games with my girl until she fell and bumped her head poor thing... she was OK but def. not the BEST part of the day....

This was not MY best day either but loved doing it with HER!

and now HER tiny people!

Cuz "my" people are GIANTS!!!

Husband in his MOST happy place... standing on hard water with his family and pooch!

Best Mumma award goes to....

This girl had SO MANY FLAGS that when it was time for her to leave (she had a sleepover that night) her sister asked her to leave her traps and Minnie said she's pick hers up! Hahaha!

We watched a bald eagle come down to feast on the "trash" fish the kids left on the ice...

and we soaked up the sunshine!!!

The littles lasted about 4 hours and went home double-fisting TiTi's cookies!

GREAT way to end the day! :)

After helping Bri with the kids I went back to the ice to pick up MY kid so she could rest before her sleepover that night... girl passed out...that's when you KNOW it was a great day on the ice! :)