Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Sunshine and Tumbles

Not many pics over the weekend... we did a bunch of running around and a celebration of life for this sweet lady right here...

Miss B and I used up ALL my mobile data until 4/21 sitting in the sunshine at Heather's house watching Sky's game... worth.every.second. except for the part where they lost... booooo

Happy to be soaking up the sun....

and then there was THIS....Sunday night Minnie was RUNNING and fooling around when she went FACE FIRST down the entire flight of basement stairs. She caught the Cheez-It box and it was all over but the cryin'.... how she did not get hurt WORSE than this is beyond us... 

SO thankful it was not any worse....we covered her in ice packs and she was ready for her first day of MIDDLE SCHOOL track on Monday.... 


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