Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Mega-Sized Post (Christmas Break)

The day AFTER Christmas, after MIL, SIL L, Sky, the gals and I all shopped the AM away, I was READY to clean up the MESS... AND WOWZERS... this tree was the WORST ONE we have EVER had as far as dying and shedding. I had Husband bring the shop vac upstairs because I didn't want to clog the Dyson or my "new" stick. 

After the house was back together Minnie and Miss B hauled out Miss B's new game :) it felt good to get it all down and put away and freshened up.
The ONLY picture from a fun Wednesday afternoon/evening at the Penney house... I tried my hand at Dawson's burrata recipe and once Husband ran ALL the way back HOME to GET the burrata... it was yummy :)

On Thursday Ally came over and I had to take a picture of once a math teacher... always a math teacher :)

Happy girls with their product!

We finished off Thursday night at the girl's Varsity game where Husband's raffle tickets were drawn for the foul shooting obviously he snagged Minnie :)

and beat her :)

Barkley's flopping ear and "bedhead" were pretty much how the gals and I spent break... snuggling...sleeping... watching movies and RELAXING!

Except for that one night that Minnie was asked to practice with the Varsity GIRLS!!!!

Classic 14 year old teenager in the year 2023... UA sweats, tall socks, Birks, oversized sweatshirt, Nike Elite backpack, ponytail and Yeti.... love my sporty-spice :)

While I drove Minnie to practice (and then onto the boys Varsity game *insert eye roll*) Husband was entertaining the 2020 golf boys :) Love that they text to see if they can come over and eat spaghetti and hang out around the kitchen table. :) 

Speaking of food... Sunday for NYE was hang out time with MIL, SIL L, Sky...

and Chef Leon! :)
He made the most AMAZING homemade Chinese food! It was SO SO YUMMY!

LOVE these gals and especially LOVE all the homemade PJ pants :)

Ended the night with another rousing game of Twister...

Pretty sure someone is regretting buying Miss B this... :)

but she is LOVING every second! :) 
Ended va-ca week with a trip to Kittery, purchased NOTHING and went out to lunch... again... no photographic evidence but soaked up every last second of break with my crew and ended the night with helpy-selfy dinner and more couch snuggles. 

Husband and I talked on Monday night about the break and how we both enjoyed it. Sometimes it can border on lazy I am sure... but we remembered that we DO pound out projects sometimes during breaks but this time we just needed to RELAX and snuggle in together... So very grateful for our restful and relaxing break. 

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