Saturday, August 31, 2024

Big Girl Big Girl

Minnie is settled into swinging for soccer. She practices with the Varsity... plays the entire JV game and then plays again for Varsity... it's a LOT... but this girl LOVES her some soccer... and we love her so....from those early "Sky's Summer Soccer Camp Days" 

To Homecoming LAST year... and "borrowing" pink jerseys...
To having her OWN jersey (click to enlarge) and wearing #22

Parents vs. Players game on Friday night... had my three all out on the turf at the same time...

Dad in goal, Miss B on D and Minnie on offense TRYING to score against them! 

A very fun Friday night in August...and we are READY for the season...

all 100 MILLION games :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Love You Baby

 I did a quick search on the blog for "anniversary" and this came up.... this was a fun thing to reread... and everything is still exactly the same... hahahaha... EXCEPT for kids... :)

Husband.... you're my favorite. Happy Anniversary! 

Thank you for our life and always making my dreams come true.
I love you baby.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Miss B

Lovin' her friends....

and ridin' in the front seat....


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Summer Vacation

After getting home at 9:00 from the State Meet... we were up and out of the house 12 hours later... to head.... NORTH....We are unable to stay at our normal place anymore since they are using it as their primary residence... so we tried something NEW this year... 

Minnie and Husband have been to the Moosehead area for their annual ice fishing derby a few years in a row now... but Miss B and I have NEVER been... and Minnie and Husband have never been in the summer... a long ride for sure...

but BEAUTIFUL.....
Husband's friends have a place ON a nearby lake and they said we could stay there. They had gone up for the weekend so they stayed until we got there to welcome us and show Husband the ropes of the water/electric/etc. It was GORGEOUS! Husband has stayed here before to ice fish with his buds but the floors were not done the walls were not finished... it is 99.9% done now... and BEAUTIFUL! 

You can see the water on the other side of the deck railing.....

View from master to gals room...
So cozy!! 
No pics of the FINISHED basement but gals and I hung there the first night playing a game and laughing so hard we were crying... so fun!
Gals wasted NO time hitting up the snacks and va-ca treats!

and then we all headed down to scope out the water...

Including Barks! :)

Oh my sweet Miss B... I love her so...

This one was the only one brave enough to dunk that first night...she came up out of the water and I thought how crazy our summer was... how much driving we did for her and how I wouldn't have traded a minute of watching her do her "thang" for anything....but OH HOW WE NEEDED THIS REST...

No viewable camps really... there was one next door but the lots are so big you can't really see anything...
Minnie was MOST excited about sunsets from the dock and the first couple of nights God showed UP for her painting the sky like He can....

I mean... seriously....

Def. happy place....
Speaking of happy... this one came home from States to a full on CAKE left by Sky and SIL L when they graciously dropped Barks off... we toted that thing all the way north and she was THRILLED to have cake the day after her bday :)

I was thrilled to wake up and do THIS... Coffee, jammies, dog, lake... YES PLEASE.

This guy had so much fun fishing for chubb off the dock...

and nothing says va-ca like a unicorn blood sugar :)
Husband taught Minnie how to drive the little motorized canoe but unfortunately it was so windy most of the time we were there we couldn't get out too much...

and this one loved fishing with her Dad...

I couldn't believe how clear the water was...

Sunsets with my big girl....
We drove the 40 minutes into Greenville on Wednesday and enjoyed the TEENIE town... had lunch outside at Dockside which was SO yummy and the view SOOOO fun. 
We were up and at 'em early on Thursday to wash sheets, clean the camp, pack up and head out by 10... made a quick pit stop at a bakery in Abbott, home by 2:30...threw things out of the back of the truck, started laundry, everyone showered and Husband was back out the door for a fall coaches meeting at 4:00... and the gals and I there at 6:30 for their soccer meetings.... 
felt like we had about 48 hours of maxin and relaxin' and here comes the crazy..... but SOOOOO thankful for our time away in a beautiful new place with MY PEOPLE....