Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Monster Post

Kicking it off last Thursday with a selfie from the BEST TiTi and UBER there is!

I met them in Kbunk for Miss B's game...

and lookie who ELSE met us there!!

SO FUN!!!!

Kbunk didn't go how we hoped... and neither did Minnie's game on Friday night....

We blame "Grilley's" Bows! 

And we had a FAN club there too!

It was their FIRST BASKETBALL GAME and they had SO MUCH FUN!

Minnie's mini-favs!

On Saturday Minnie had practice so Husband and Miss B represented our Clan at Coop's 2nd birthday party... and got to meet the newest member of that household... 

to say she was in LOVE would be an understatement :)

So sweet!

on Sunday Husband and I were in separate vehicles to run separate errands but he saw me slow down because I SAW THIS when we were leaving our driveway...


another Sunday....another pizza for Minnie :)

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