Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Girl's Trip to Cancer Treatment Center of America (CTCA)

**All Pictures "Stolen" from Bets**
Words in italics Betsy's
On Sunday, July 10th MIL, SIL L, Bets and I all headed out around 9 for Philadelphia... back in May I had made a phone call to the CTCA asking them about what their story was and how they treat people differently than other hospitals/doctors. I had a great conversation on the phone with a couple different people and Bets agreed to have a chat with them to find out more about the center.  
"We had our first pit stop in Connecticut and changed drivers. Momma's been moved to the back seat. She did great as the first driver! We didn't forget Liane...that's her hair!"

"Clearly Liane enjoyed her Smurf drink from Sonic!"

"We made it. Someone forgot to tell her to pack light...heehee!!!!"


"My first meal since Tuesday night!!!! Thank you" Grammie R!

"Momma doesn't get vacation!!!! Sewing in the hotel lobby waiting for our shuttle!"

Waiting for our next specialist!!!!'s what's for dinner! Makes me miss my Chattanooga peeps!

Done for the day....Liane will find sun anywhere!!!
Sorry for all the posts...I just want to give an was a very busy day at CTCA. We met with lots of people who asked lots of questions so they can develop a plan for me. They answered all of our questions. Tomorrow will be another busy day as I am scheduled for scans and blood work to see where everything is! I'm soooo very thankful for the crew that chose to come with me! Momma, Liane and Julia. We are a good time I tell ya! Me not so much today but they put up with me anyway!❤️. And thank you to everyone who is along with us on this journey but caring so much! Love you all!

On our way to CTCA for our second day! Liane did a great job of driving us this morning in crazy Philly traffic!
Julia enjoying her Wawa coffee!!!! This one is for you Joyce G!

So the lunch to have today at CTCA (for those that are allowed to eat) was taco salad! Liane decided to try the Philly cheese steak...minus the cheese, minus the bread which equals steak on a plate...but she did clean her plate! And me "enjoying" my lunch. NOT

So day two at CTCA is behind us! Lots of waiting today...gave about 10 vials of blood, had CAT scans and an MRI! Got done around 5ish...then drove down to South Street in South Philly...and kept driving....heehee! Not sure who the concierge thought he was sending there.😉. Dinner at Longhorns near the hotel was awesome! I am definitely feeling better today and am so thankful for that! Love you all!
Well we are back on the road...homeward bound in the pouring rain! The news we received today made this trip soooooo worth it! We saw the oncologist here who provided us results from the scans I had yesterday. The spot on my lung has reduced by 100% and there are two spots on my liver that have been reduced by 60%. The other spots on my liver are now junk and not worth mentioning. Chemo is working fabulously!!!! I have to admit I might have gotten a little teary eyed when he left the room! Completely overwhelmed with this amazing news! Thank you everyone for the prayers and support!
Here's the wordy CountryMouse take on the days away... it was a LOT! That is... it was a lot of driving, a lot of time away, a lot of giggling, a lot of information, a lot of waiting, a lot of "Genevieve" our GPS, a lot of sitting, a lot of missing my babies and my guy, a lot of snacks, a lot of supporting each other, a lot of COFFEE and a LOT OF FUN!
I am so so SO glad that we did this trip. That we found out the information we did, that Bets was WILLING and that she was open enough to welcome us all along on the journey.
The hardest part for me (me.. like the girl who is NOT going through cancer and really shouldn't even SAY anything like "hardest part for me") was that 2nd day. The first day we were meeting new people, we were in a room where the doctors all came to us asking questions and looking for ways to support Betsy. The 2nd day... was the waiting. The part where it was sinking in WHERE we were because we were sitting... and watching... and realizing.
The best part... for SURE was spending four days with these girls... I love my sisters and my mother in love... almost 15 years and I think they have settled into the fact that I'm here and not going anywhere ;) plus they really love the two little people they got outta this marriage :) We always have a blast when we are "trapped" in a car together and this trip was no different...LOVE them! 
Unfortunately we did not REALLY have time for the site seeing, checking out the city and seeing people that we would have liked to but the trip was for sure a win win... hearing the word "remission" from an oncologist was not something we expected and even if that comes with chemo "maintenance" we'll take it.
Meanwhile... at home.....

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