Friday, August 25, 2017

Hapy 16 Baby...

Well... so far? we. done. good.
If the two little people are a measure at all... and I think they are. :)

Hang onto your hat for the year to come but you know (and I KNOW) we are gonna have to stick close... stick tight and snuggle up.
 You are my coffee deliver, weekend dinner maker, blood sugar checker, encourager, provider, dream-come-true-er, love, Enbrel shot giver, rock, comfort, safe-place, brunt of my crazy, and protector. There is no place I'd rather be than in your arms where everything is safe.

I loved you then

but I had no idea how much I'd love you now....  
 ready or not... here we go....
*most of the above photography courtesy of Dawsky Photography or "Bob"*

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