Monday, February 12, 2018

while Daddy's away....

Husband left for his annual ice fishing weekend last weekend... of course we had some prep to do before he took off... and part of that was making venison jerky... good thing he had his sues chef!

as he was packing up I ran out and said "uh... you forgot your bucket of bait!!" He assured me he didn't need it and that he had left "Miss B" in charge... ok... that sentence is all kinds of wrong but we went with it... until the next morning... when she realized that more than 1/2 the bait was dead and my tender-hearted lover of all things fins, feathers or fur was picking out dead fish...

but pick them she did...

and then Mama got her some fresh water and she managed to save.... 1. ONE.SHINER.

So in true girl fashion we took off to find something to make us feel better... PEDICURES it was! :) Guess who's is who's. (that seems like all kinds of grammatically incorrect craziness there) :)

I fear I have created mini-monsters because they both LOVED the pedicures and asked when we could go again... pretty sure Husband has another trip scheduled in June doesn't he?? ;)

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