Sunday, February 21, 2021

Just when you thought....

 Things were calm.... or BORING even.... I assure you... they are not... 

I "volunteered" (dumb) to bring the change from the penny war to the bank over vacation... I solicited Husband's help and these gals were TROOPERS to carry stuff in and sit for....


We (I) had to make an appointment because people have not been allowed in the lobby and this poor gal wanted NOTHING to do with the fact that in our LAST JAR we kept getting jammed... see it there on the floor... that is 5TH GRADE... WE were SO CLOSE to done...I had an eye doc appt  two towns over that I was more than 10 minutes late for.... but we DID raise a BOATLOAD of $ for the school which was always the goal! Happy for our community!!!

After the eye doc we stopped at MB for some groceries and I told Husband, I'm DONE with today... I'm tired and just ready to leave for Rangeley... just DONE with today.... but 'cept I wasn't.... when we got home he noticed a strange smell which I assumed was the trash in the basement.... he packed up the truck and headed to the dump... the gals started bathing/showering and I was busy in the kitchen organizing and getting ready to pack up to head north... When Husband got home he went upstairs and hollered down for me to come up.... Defense had EXPLOSIVE diarrhea all.over.our.bedroom and master bath! Praise the LORD OH MY SOUL that he did NOT let it happen on my brandy new carpet but COME ON DUDE..... 

Immediately after taking these photos and video calling the Renaud clan I went back downstairs to finish making dinner, bathing babies, cleaning the kitchen and getting ready for the next day.... My Husband is AMAZING.... marry well gals... marry well. 

More to come....

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