Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Foster Number 4 (Savannah)

The Saturday before February break we picked up our 4th (and what will be our FINAL foster with THIS organization) See our sweet girl in the background just getting out of the van? 

They all fall in love with Miss B IMMEDIATELY if not sooner...

and equally loved....

and now sorry not sorry for all the puppy pics....

She loves it all but clearly sleeping and snuggling are her favorite.  Her sister came for what was supposed to be a fun overnight visit....

They had lived with each other their entire lives up until we picked her up so.... 5 days they had been apart.... 5 days... and they HATED each other... I have NEVER seen anything like it with puppies... :( broke my heart... but this sweet girl....

love all the people and we even did another puppy playdate that went FAMOUSLY...

We had really hoped that she would have her forever family before we all had to go back to school but so far... no leads....that we've been made aware of....

We will be sad to see her go but we are excited for her forever family....
Stay tuned....

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