Monday ~ I called MY foot doc Re the boot I was "supposed" to be wearing... he confirmed my right foot is in fact fractured and I'm in a boot until Nov 11th ISH
Monday afternoon I took Miss B into the orthopedic who looked at her x-rays again and said that she was a-ok, was probably sore and could assume her "normal" activities as she felt able. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
Tuesday: Husband met us at home and we all traveled to the local hospital for his CT scan RE his latest kidney stone and had a nice? family dinner out ~ thanks to the CountryRents giving us a g.c. for our anniversary. I use the "?" because how NICE do you think it WAS with two little ones :)
Wednesday: Husband had a match and the gals and I enjoyed a nice time of visiting with the "W" girls... eating pizza and cookies. Not a bad time. :)
Thursday: Minnie had a dentist apt (just a cleaning) but we chatted about the part where she has at SOME POINT chipped her front tooth... no I don't know how, where or when... if there is no blood my big girl is a pretty tough cookie.
And then I met up with Husband at the doc to review his CT scan... Stone is lodged, causing a back up in his kidney swelling it RIGHT UP. Thankfully the doc assured us that if he hasn't had pain yet, he won't and that there is no risk of infection but that we should have it taken care of soon. Looking at "surgery" a laser to blast what he can, a stent (yikes ~ this did NOT go well last time) and then probably another lithotripsy surgery in a few weeks. Scheduling for that procedure will be sometime next week... fun.
I tell yah... steer clear of my family until at LEAST May... the Bible study on James has begun....
And so it goes...
9 years ago
1 comment:
Art project. Let the girls make your boot look
Pretty..😉. Prayers for all.
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