Sunday, November 12, 2017


Except for one... this picture of girls LOVES LOVES Magnolia AND Chip and Joanna :) and the one that doesn't is really only because she hasn't been exposed... I'll give you a hint... it's not the little one in green. She might be the most obsessed of the bunch ;) hee hee When we heard they were coming to our local "TAR-JAY" we made a date to pile into my car and zoom down. So fun!!!

Speaking of FUN... the girls were invited to a pizza party at a local mixed martial arts studio. The instructor was amazing and the girls had an absolute BLAST with their school buds. It was pretty much a room full of 5-7 year olds and they LOVED it...

so did he.

I love my girl who, no matter how many times I told her it was a GYM was SET on wearing her sparkle skirt...

crazy crew for sure... and such a blast for our kiddos!

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