Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Homestead.... The Good and The Bad

On Saturday morning Husband was working in the garden... planting potatoes and a few other things and then found a huge rock....see the yellow pry bar there? 

See the huge rock and something on the fence line?

He was out there for hours before something caught his eye....

Little love had been right there the whole time and he had no idea... so cute!!! We video called Minnie and Sky so they could see... Sky said give it some milk!!! Oh! NO....NO NO...

Mama had left her but knew RIGHT where she was the whole time...

She wasn't far....

and by the time Husband went to the dump and a quick run into town she had gathered up her baby and they had moved along.... such a fun experience for us though!
NOT a fun experience is Husband away on a fishing trip and poor Miss B going out to her beloved birds and finding one of them dead in the coop :( No pics of that... pretty sure it was of natural causes because there was no blood or devastation... just a poor dead chicken and a hysterical 9 year old... poor babe. Thanks CountryDad......


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