Thursday, June 30, 2022

Summer Track

 84 kids this year.... and my gals back at it! 

Miss B killing the shot and jav this year!

Minnie picking right up from just a few weeks ago...

Her ponytail KILLS me... 

Trailblazers EVERY.WHERE. :) 

That ponytail (click the pic to make it bigger).... hahaha

I love a little positive peer pressure... Minnie would (and is when she does it) a great 400m runner... it's a crazy race ALL the way around the track you are SPRINTING but you still need to have a "kick" when you get a little over 1/2 way done.... poor gal was NOT feeling 100%... had agreed to the 4x400m for her buds and she did an AWESOME job! They WON the race and I was SO PROUD of her for sticking with!!!

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