Monday, December 19, 2022

And it went down hill from here....

On Tuesday I knew I was starting to come down with something... by Wednesday I was CERTAIN it had arrived... it was an early release for the gals and Sky had agreed to snag them for me but by the time the kids left my school I was DONE... I headed home... snapped a quick pick of the fun happening in my kitchen....

and headed for my bed... head cold symptoms and just a dry annoying cough... negative for the 'vid...SO thankful for Sky hanging with the gals and pooch so that I could just rest...

I was all around miserable. I had not slept on Tuesday night... and Husband talked me into taking some cold meds. I HATE taking ANY meds never mind cold meds... I had eaten NOTHING since 11:15 and look at the rise... I took the meds at 4ish...

and I was up over 225 when it was all said and done... needless to say... no more cold meds...

I did push through school on Thursday and even rolled myself off the couch to make dinner... I think someone knows that I wasn't feeling well... OR he knows it was homemade mac 'n cheese night ;)
We got the call at 7:00 on Thursday night that there would be no school on Friday and I have NEVER been happier... when I came home on Thursday afternoon I never left again until THIS morning to come back to work....

I texted my Dr. on Sunday AM asking for an Rx because I am fairly certain this has now become a full on sinus infection.... thinking back... the last time I had to get an antibiotic....was HERE OVER 12 YEARS AGO... I am famous for auto-immune diseases but not usually getting any sort of cold, pukes, etc. This has been BRUTAL...

COULD NOT have survived without this guy... my water getter, tissue bringer, Advil dispenser...
and finally on Sunday afternoon my Rx ANTIBIOTIC savior!
I have EVERYTHING crossed that he (and the gals) do not get ANY BUSINESS of this...gosh dang I love this guy... 
Looking forward to feeling better everyday... ain't nobody got time for this at this time of the year... 

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