Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Weekend Report (Saturday/Sunday)


On Saturday we headed up to celebrate this guy turning TWO and made a few stops on the way in the big city... 

our gift was this "city" carpet and those monster trucks and he and Husband had so much fun playing with them :)

She had so much fun playing with HIM... She loves her some tiny people...

Miss B was so helpful opening all of his presents and we all got a case of the giggles watching them run two little remote control cars around... so funny....

We came home and saw that OUR NEW RUG FOR OUR BEDROOM had been delivered. I have been hemming and hawing about what to put under our bed since the renovation and the "coasters" were not working for us... every time I tried to sit up in bed it would roll away from the wall and I would slide down... not cool for a gal that loves her bed and watching TV...

I LOVE IT! Obviously it was rolled so we are weighing it down with things to flatten it out and now my duvet doesn't match but we were in the market for a new on so I ordered a mostly white with some light grey stripes... I'm excited... 

Sunday after church was a lot of Christmas organization, glass clean up (broken globe on the gals ceiling fan... ahem... Miss B....) a visit from the CountryRents and this.... my favorite... Christmas movies and Christmas lights...

Come December 26th I'm going to be ready to pack it up but for now... I'm loving it...

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